Chapter 18

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Saturday 1st August 1960

Hyannis Port


Jack’s week off at the Cape came to an end today so he wanted to make the most of his time with Jackie. Jack groaned as he rolled on to his back. He reached across the bed to find she wasn’t there. “Jackie?” He called.

“Morning Bunny,” She replied. “I’m in the bath.”

Jack pulled his dressing gown on and went downstairs. He was making breakfast when Bobby knocked on the door. “It’s open, come in!”

Bobby appeared. “What’s this about you having a woman here?” He demanded.

Jack froze and turned to look at him. “W-what?”

“Kenny said he saw you return from the club last night with a girl. I thought we told you not to have a girlfriend?”

Jack sighed. They didn’t know it was Jackie, luckily. “Bobby, I just needed some company for a night.” He lied.

Bobby raised an eyebrow. “Get a grip and make sure she doesn’t say anything to anyone.” He hissed.

“She won’t.”

Bobby was pissed off. “You know I don’t know your obsession with needing to have a girl.”

Jack slammed his hand on the table. “Just go, Bobby!” He snapped.

“Stop being stupid, Jack!” He yelled before storming out.

Jack sat down and drank his coffee. Not long after, Jackie appeared. “Bunny? Was that Bobby?” She asked sitting down beside him.


“What was the shouting about?”

“Doesn’t matter.” He smiled. “Let’s just enjoy the day.” He said getting up. He took her hand and they went sailing.

“I see why you love sailing.” She whispered.

He wrapped an arm around her as they sailed. The fresh air and water relaxed him. “At least we’re alone.” He joked.

She nodded and put her hand in the water. She splashed him. He laughed and splashed her back. After they stopped laughing their eyes met. He kissed her, her lips were soft.

When they arrived back at the beach Jackie dashed inside so no one saw her. She watched as Jack tied up his boat. “Jack!” Pat smiled.

“Hey.” He hugged her.

“I want to meet Jackie, I know she’s here.”

He nodded. “Go right in, I’ll be right there.”

Pat went in and found Jackie sitting in the kitchen. “Hi.” Pat smiled. “I’m Pat, Jack’s sister.”

Jackie smiled and shook her hand. “The only supporter of this relationship.” She teased.

She laughed. “You’re perfect for Jack; don’t listen to Bobby or my Dad.”

She smiled. “I won’t.”

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