Chapter 13

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Saturday 16th July 1960

Senator Kennedy’s Room

Jack was snoring heavily; he was in Jackie’s arm. She rubbed his back as he slept. He just looked tired. It was silent until someone hammered on the door. “JACK!”

He stirred slightly and groaned. “Go away.”

“I know your awake, open the damn door.”

Jack got up. Jackie ducked under the covers. “What?” He snapped opening the doors in his boxers.

“Why aren’t you dressed?”

“Goodbye Bobby.” He slammed the door and locked it before getting back into bed. He saw it was just past 10.

“Morning.” Jack whispered stroking his cheek.

He kissed her, letting his tongue brush against hers. “Oh!” She gasped. He laughed softly. “I’m sorry about last night I just haven’t slept much lately.”

She nodded. “I understand that.”

“I want to spend the day with you but we can’t really go anywhere.”

“That’s fine by me.”

Jack sat up. “I’m in Hyannis Port next week for meetings and things, what are you doing?”

“I have Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off.”

“Come with me.”

“But Bobby and your Father….”

“Please come.” He took her hands.

She smiled. “Okay.”

Hyannis Port


Somehow he managed to get Jackie into his house without anyone noticing. “What would you like to do tonight?” He asked.

“Can we go a walk on the beach?”

“That sounds perfect.” He said linking her arm with his.

The air felt great. He seemed relaxed. “I have a new nickname for you.” She whispered.

He turned to look at her. “What is it?” He enquired feeling the waves hit his bare feet. Jackie giggled. “Well….”


“Bunny.” She giggled.

“What? Why?” He grinned.

“Well I was thinking for a nickname while looking at the Democratic Donkey and well it represents a strong animal and you are more like a bunny, soft and cute and loveable with a lot of energy.”

He blushed and wrapped her in his arms. “I like it, Kid.”

“Good, Bunny.”

His lips brushed against hers. From the main house Pat saw them. She smiled, they were sweet together.

“Jackie…” Jack whispered.


He picked her up. “Let’s go inside.”

She nodded and nuzzled his neck. He felt relaxed; he dreaded to think what the next five months would be like. He decided just to enjoy the moment at present.

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