Chapter 26

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Friday 16th December 1960

Palm Beach International Airport


Jack was standing with Clint Hill at the airport. They’d managed to sneak out and avoid the press. He was excited. Jackie was coming to stay. When her plane landed he saw her. As she walked into the waiting room Jack rushed of towards her. Clint was shocked and had to jog to keep up. He found the President with Miss Bouvier in his arms.

“I missed you Kid.” He whispered.

“I missed you too Bunny.” She smiled. Jack took her hand. “Mr. Hill I’d like you to meet Jacqueline Bouvier.”

She smiled. “Mr. Hill.”

“Miss Bouvier.” He shook her hand.

They quickly arrived home, luckily no one saw Jackie. Once they were alone in Jack’s room he kissed her. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Jackie blushed. “I better unpack.”

“Ok…. I have a special night planned.” Jack said standing up. “I hope you’ll enjoy it.”

She smiled. “I’m sure I will. What would you like me to wear?”

“Something nice.”

Jackie nodded.

Jack was nervous but he knew he had to do this tonight. He went outside and lit a cigar. “Clint.” Jack said.

“Yes, Sir?”

“I need you to do me a favour.”

Clint narrowed his eyes. “And what would that be?”

“I want to be alone with Jackie tonight…. So after we’ve had dinner in town can you make sure there are no agents on the beach?”

He nodded. “Okay, Sir.”

Jack was standing watching the waves when he felt Jackie wrap her arms around him. “Bunny.”


She giggled. “What are you doing?”

He shrugged. He turned to her smiling. His lips crashed against hers. Unaware to them Jean and Teddy saw them. “What?” Jean exclaimed.

Teddy smirked. “Jean let me tell you a story about Jack.” He put his arm around his sister and they headed back inside. He told her what Jack had told him yesterday.

“Oh Jack.” Jackie blushed. He grinned. He couldn’t wait for tonight.

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