Chapter 6

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Thursday 26th November 1959

Jack Kennedy’s House

Jack was lying in bed when the doorbell went. “Ugh…” Jack groaned and got up. He ruffled his hair before pulling his robe on. He went downstairs. “JACK! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!”

Jack rolled his eyes when he recognised his brother’s voice. “What?” He exclaimed opening the front door.

Bobby stormed in passed his brother. “We need to talk.”

“Oh Bobby what a surprise, do come in.” He mumbled as he closed the door. When he went into his living room Bobby was pacing.

“Jack, what are you thinking?!” He exclaimed

“What?” Jack raised an eyebrow.

“I know your still seeing that girl, Dad told you to stop. You need to if you ever want to be President.”

He sighed. “Bobby….”

“I bet she’s upstairs!”

“She’s not here.” He replied. “Bobby, I’m not seeing her anymore.”


“Really.” Jack said.

Bobby nodded and left. Jack sighed. He was falling for Jackie. He wouldn’t stop seeing her. There was no way.

When Jack arrived at his office he was stressed. He just wanted Bobby to leave him alone. “Senator.” Mrs. Lincoln said.


“Miss Bouvier phoned this morning.”

“I’ll deal with it.” He said closing his door.

He left his papers on his desk before picking up the phone. He dialled Jackie’s office number. “Hello Jacqueline speaking.”

“Hey Jackie.”

“Jack.” She replied.

“How are you?” He asked.

“I’m fine, you?”

“I’m good, stressed. Bobby annoys me.”

She giggled. “So nothing new then, Jack?”


They were sitting deep in conversation when Bobby burst in. Jack turned bright red. “I…um have to go, Bobby’s here.”

She laughed. “Okay.”

Jack put the phone down and looked at his brother. “Yeah?”

His eyes narrowed. “Was that her?”

Jack sighed and got up. “No Bobby, stop worrying about me. I’m fine and I’m not seeing anyone.”

“Fine!” Bobby snapped and slammed the door.

Jack rubbed his head. This was going to be difficult to hide but he didn’t care. He kind of liked the thought of keeping it a secret.

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