Chapter 17

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Monday 26th September 1960

CBS Studios, West Virginia

Jack stood at the side of the stage with Bobby and Kenny watching Nixon take his seat on the stage. Jack was nervous but he wouldn’t admit it. “You ready?” Bobby whispered.

Jack needed a moment to himself. “I’m going to the bathroom.” He said before taking off. Bobby stared after him annoyed.

Jack took a deep breath and looked at himself in the mirror while drying his hands. He got to his seat on the stage just in time. As the debate got underway Nixon began to sweat and it showed, Jack appeared confident and youthful. When Jack read his closing statement of the debate he looked into the audience, he saw Jackie sitting smiling at him. He was happy she was there.

“Well done Jack,” Nixon shook his hand. He smiled and nodded. “You too.”

After walking off the stage Bobby met him. “That went well, you okay? You look pale.”

“Leave me alone.” Jack said closing his dressing room door in Bobby’s face. He sunk down on to the sofa and cried silently to himself. He’d had enough; he didn’t want to do this. It’s not what he wanted.

“Jack?” Bobby asked softly knocking on the door, half an hour later. Jack ignored him and Bobby went away.

He was washing his face when someone knocked on his door. “Jack it’s me, let me in before someone sees me.”

Jack recognised Jackie’s voice and opened the door. After she stepped in he closed it. “Kid.” He held her tightly.

“Bunny, what’s wrong?” She asked noticing his red eyes.

“I don’t want this…. I want to be a writer and be with you.”

Jackie helped him sit down and stroked his cheek. “I know this isn’t what you want, but you can’t let your country down, the democrats or your family or yourself. Do you want people to remember you as the man who quit?”

He sighed. “No.” He rested his head on her lap. She gingerly played with his hair. “You’ll win.” She whispered.

“I love you.”

She giggled and kissed him. He kissed her back, pulling her into him. She blushed. “Jack… your staff are outside.” She whispered.

“They won’t disturb me.”

She blushed and rubbed his back. He showed her how much he loved her.


Jackie had red cheeks and her hair was a little messed up. “Come back to my hotel.” Jack whispered.

“But people will see us…”

Jack took her hands. “I don’t care…..”

“You do Jack,” She smiled. “But I’ll make my own way there.”

He kissed her cheek. “Ok.”

Jack went and got into his limousine with Bobby. “What took you so long?” He demanded.

“I fell asleep.”

Bobby glared at him. “Fine, don’t tell me the truth.”

Jack sighed.

That night Jackie snuck into his room. Jack wrapped her in his arms. “How did I do tonight kid?”

“You were great. Better than Nixon.”

He laughed. “Good.”

She smiled and fell asleep next to him. Jack was happy; he wanted to be with her all the time.

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