Chapter 11

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Sunday 3rd January 1960

Jack Kennedy’s House

When Jackie woke Jack wasn’t by her side. She glanced at the clock and it was past nine. She pulled Jack’s shirt on and went downstairs. “Jack?” She called walking into the kitchen.

She froze when she saw a man standing talking to Jack. “Morning Jackie.” Jack smiled taking her hand. “This is my best friend Lem Billings. He won’t say anything about us.”

“Jacqueline.” Lem shook her hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

She blushed. “Mr. Billings.”

Jack grinned and wrapped his arms around her. “Jack, there’s press outside.” Lem warned.

“I know.” He sighed.

“I’ll go, have fun lovebirds.” Lem teased before leaving.

Jack turned to Jackie and kissed her neck. “Did you sleep okay?” He asked pouring her some coffee.


“Good.” He smiled sitting down. He looked in pain.

“Jack, what’s wrong?” She asked sitting down beside him. She’d never seen him like this before.

He groaned. “Just my back.”

Jackie gently massaged it. “What’s wrong with it?”

He sighed and took her hand. “I have chronic back pain from an old war injury and failed back operations and I have Addison’s disease.”

She slowly bent down and kissed his cheek. “Come and lie down, I’ll massage your back.”

He went to the living room and lay down on the sofa. Her hands rubbed his back slowly. “Ugh….” He groaned.

Jackie smiled.


That afternoon Jack was soaking in the bath. The phone rang. “Ignore it Jackie.” He shouted.

She poked her head in. “Ok, Senator.” She teased.

He laughed and took her hand. He just hoped this secret could stay a secret.

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