Chapter 19

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Wednesday 19th October 1960

Senator Kennedy’s Campaign Headquarters


Jack was sitting in his office when Bobby came in. “What?” He asked looking up.

“Martin Luther King’s been arrested in Alabama.” Bobby said. “There’s an issue that the government is ignoring Mrs King who’s pregnant and with their other children. She’s scared.”

Jack sat forward. “That’s awful, I would hate my wife to be alone and pregnant.”

“What do you want to do?”

“Get me Mrs King’s number.”

Bobby’s eyes widened. “What?”

“Just do it!” He snapped. He was thinking of Jackie. He would hate it if she was in Coretta Scott King’s position, it was wrong.

Bobby returned with her phone number. “Do you want me to tell the press you’re phoning her?”

Jack glared at him. “This isn’t a publicity stunt; can’t you be a decent human being for once in your life?”

Bobby ignored him as Jack dialled the number. “Hello?” A weak voice asked.

“Hi Mrs King, its Jack Kennedy.”

“Oh Mr. Kennedy.” She gasped. “Why are you phoning me?”

“I’m very much concerned of what happened today with your husband. I know this must be extremely hard on you but you must know I’m thinking about you both and I will do what I can to help.”

“Oh Mr. Kennedy I hope you do help, Martin will be glad to know you are thinking about us at this busy time for yourself, but it means a lot to me.”

“If you need anything don’t hesitate to contact me.”

“Thank you Sir.” Mrs. King replied softly.

“Take care now, bye.”


Jack hung up. “Was she okay?” Bobby asked.

“Worried, I think.”

Bobby nodded and left the office. He hoped that if something happened to him people would look out for Jackie, he knew Pat would. It was events like these that made him determined to win the election and become President.

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