Chapter 8

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For the weeks until Christmas Jack had seen Jackie in secret. He was happy and his staffers noticed. However, Christmas was proving a problem for him. He had to go to Palm Beach with his family but he wanted to spend the day with Jackie, but he had a plan.

Friday 25th December 1959

Kennedy House, Palm Beach

Jack was lying on the beach in shorts and sunglasses. He was thinking about next year. He would have no privacy, no life. It made him depressed. He was lying deep in thought flat on his back he wasn’t speaking to his father or Bobby.

“Jack?” Pat called.

He groaned. “What?”

Pat giggled and lay down beside him. “That is no way to greet your favourite sister.” She teased.

He nodded.

“What’s wrong Jack? You’re not yourself today.”

He sighed. “You really want to know? You won’t yell at me or tell me I’m stupid?” He asked.

She looked at him serious. “Jack, you can always talk to me, you know I don’t care for politics.”

He smiled softly. “I think I’ve found the perfect woman.”


“But, because of the campaign Dad and Bobby won’t let me see her, they want me to break it off…. But I can’t. I really think she may be the one.”

Pat’s eyes widened. “Jack if you feel that way you have to go to her.”

“But Mum will kill me as will Dad if I’m not here for Christmas.” Jack said. “I really wanted to be with her today.”

“Fly back to DC tomorrow, tell them you forgot paperwork that’s very important. Then go and surprise her, cook her a meal.”

Jack smiled. “I will.”

Pat hugged him. “What’s her name?”

“Jackie, Jackie Bouvier. She’s the editor for the Washington Herald.”

Pat got up. “Go phone her.”

Jack nodded and dashed inside to his room. He briefly heard his Dad and Bobby debating the campaign. He sighed and closed his door. He dialled Jackie’s number. “Hello?” Her breathy voice asked.

“Hey Kid.” Jack whispered.

“Oh Jack.” She exclaimed. “How are you?”

“I’m fine; I’m coming back to DC tomorrow. Would you like to come over for dinner?” He asked.

“I’d love too.”

“Good, I’ll see you then.”

“Bye Jack.” She hung up. He smiled. He really wanted to impress her.

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