Chapter 9

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Jackie’s House

Saturday 26th December 1959

Jackie was giddy. She felt happy with Jack but she knew if her parents found out they would kill her. She sighed as she applied her mascara. Once she was finished and happy with her appearance she stood up and pulled her jacket on.

When she reached Jack’s house she knocked on his door. She really hoped no one saw her. Jack opened the door. He was wearing an apron. “Hi….” She laughed.

He flashed his Kennedy smile. “Come in Kid.”

She went inside and Jack took her coat off. She was about to say something when he kissed her. “Merry Christmas.”

Jackie blushed. “Merry Christmas, Jack.”

After they’d eaten dinner they sat in the living room. “That was a very good Christmas dinner.” She smiled as she curled up in his chair.

“Thank you, cooking is my hidden talent.”

She giggled. “Well it’s a good talent.”

He handed her a small parcel. “I know this isn’t much but I hope you like it.” Jack said. Jackie’s eyes widened. “You didn’t need to get me anything.”

“Open it.”

Jackie obliged. She gasped. It was a key and diamond earrings. “Jack….”

“The key is to my house, I know I’ve known you a short while but I want to be able to see you.”

She got up and sat in his lap. “Thank you, I love them both.”

He grinned.

Jackie handed him an oddly shaped present. He looked puzzled. He laughed when he opened it. “Thank you.”

Jackie smiled as she put the new scarf she’d got him around his neck. “I’m taking this when I campaign it’s warm, it’ll help my back.”

She nuzzled his neck. “Jack… I have something to tell you….”

He looked at her eyes. “What is it?”

“I think…. I think I love you.” She blushed.

He stroked her hair. “I love you too…. I told Pat about you, she thinks it’s sweet.”

Jackie blushed. “Well at least that is one person who supports our relationship.” She teased.

He smiled and his lips crashed against hers. She pulled him up. He grinned and they went upstairs. Jack just wanted to be with her.

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