Under Attack

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"So, Carter," Ryan said as she pulled into their neighborhood, "Xander told me the two of you are fans of ABBA."

Carter gave Xander a sideways look, and he held his hands up. "It's not like she's going to tell anyone."

"No, I won't, I promise," Ryan quickly assured. "I was just curious if it was actually true."

"It is," she sang. "They're the greatest band of all time."

"To each their own," he muttered.

"We're actually going to listen to their music at Carter's place," Xander chirped.

"Is that what you two normally do?"


"Mind if I listen?"

Glancing at Ryan through the rearview mirror, Carter asked, "Are you sure?"

"I'm looking to widen my discography. If you two polar opposites could like the same band, maybe I'll like them, too."

"I'm always down for converting someone to be an ABBAtar," Xander smirked.

"I still don't get it, but why not. You're welcome to come over. Just stay on the first floor. I don't let guests come upstairs."

"Understood," Ryan nodded.

Parking on the driveway, Carter shut off the car and quickly popped the trunk to pull out her new fabrics. Seeing how many there were, Xander quickly reached out to help her, but she stopped him. "When was the last time you washed your hands?"


"I am not going to let anyone get their dirty fingers on my fabric. You can take my keys and unlock the door. But do not touch my fabric unless I give you permission."

Doing what Carter asked, Xander held the door open for Carter, and she quickly rushed upstairs to place her fabric in her bedroom before running out to grab the last of it. Ryan walked into the house and took a look around the living room before sitting on the couch. He wasn't sure how they were going to introduce him to ABBA's catalog, but he hoped Xander would sit next to him, so he sat right in the middle.

Carter carried the last of the fabric upstairs, and Xander locked the door behind them, placing the keys on the table by the door. He walked into the living room and plopped next to Ryan on the couch.

When Carter walked downstairs, she called out, "Do you two want anything to eat or drink?"

"I'm good," Ryan replied.

"What have you got?" Xander questioned.

"I bought chips since the last time you came over, since you wouldn't stop complaining about how you were craving barbeque Lays."

"I was," he defended before gasping. "Did you really buy them just for me?"

"I don't eat chips, so yes. Don't eat them all at once, because I cannot afford to buy them for you every time."

"Aww, you bought them yourself?" he cooed.

"Yes, and my parents were very concerned that I was depressed again," she replied as threw the bag of chips at his head. He caught them and opened them. "Missy, are you sure you don't want some water or something?"

"That sounds nice."

"You have any pop?" Xander questioned.

"I refuse to give you any soda after your meet. You need to rehydrate," she said as she placed two cups of water on the coasters on the table. "Pop will just dehydrate you."

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