第十一話 | 彼女の怒り

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"Look, we're saved!!" Diaper grape boy cried.


"He's here...All Might..!"

All Might threw his jacket down, his scowl deepening.

"Ah, looks like our game is getting a continue," Handy man said.

"I couldn't shake the feeling that something had gone wrong here when Thirteen and Aizawa wouldn't answer my calls, so I hurried over, running into young Iida along the way. He told me of the villainy at work here!" All Might sneered.

"After all this waiting, the heroic piece of trash shows up!" Handy man laughed.

In a flash, All Might had taken down all of the remaining villains, picking up Aizawa's now limp body across the way.

"I'm sorry Aizawa, I should have been here..."

Aizawa then picked up Tsu, diaper boy, and Izuku, and Hanako, jumping back.

"Everybody back to the entrance. Take Aizawa with you!" All Might instructed.

"He doesn't have much time!"

Hanako looked down at the ground, her hair shadowing her face. She refused to go, not until she defeated the creature that hurt her teacher.

"Yes sir!"


"You saved us All Might..."

"No no no! It wasn't supposed to go this way! He's still fast father, now he managed to hit me! Of course a government hero relies on violence. I wasn't prepared, I couldn't even see him when he moved, but he's not as fast as I thought he would be, not as fast as he used to be. I guess it's true after all, All Might really is getting weaker!" Handy man mumbled to himself.

"All Might, you can't! The brain villain took One For-uh I smashed him and didn't break my arm this time. He wasn't fazed at all! He's too strong!" Izuku tried to argue.

"Young Midoriya! I've got this!" All Might reassured, flashing him a peace sign (hehe).

Izuku nodded hesitantly, taking Aizawa away with the others. Only Hanako stayed behind.

"Young Miyazaki-"

"I ain't leaving," Hanako firmly stated.

All Might shivered, noticing the look in her eyes. She was angry.

Turning back around, All Might leaped forward.




Just as Izuku had warned, All Might's attack had no effect on the thing.

The creature made a noise, swiping at All Might. He dodged in the nick of time.

Hanako had a feeling All Might would struggle against the creature, so she stood back, waiting for her moment. There was no way she wasn't going to be the one to defeat that thing, especially after what it did to Aizawa. But that hand guy...he was someone she could fight right now.

As All Might continued to fight the monster, Hanako propelled herself forward, lighting her fist up with flames.

"Fire dragon's iron fist!!" She yelled, slamming her fist into his gut. She slammed him on the ground, straddling his hips and holding his hands above his head.

"You..." She growled.

'This kid...! She's so fast, how?? It's not possible! Unless...'

"It's you, isn't it?" Handy man asked, causing the girl to look confused.

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