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Anisha used to write journal. Let's see what she was writing.....

Anisha's Journal

Dear diary,

Today was the biggest day of my life. My life has changed today but not like that change which I thought or maybe you can say which I dreamt.  4 years ago my life was hell. That time I had no one in this world actually I  left my family and came to Mumbai to fulfill my dream. I wanted to be an actress but no one was supporting me at that time. I gave many auditions but  I failed. Then one day
I saw Sehgal's company was looking for a model to advertise of their product. Their I found Mahir who that time was in a depression. I got him out from it. our relation was also getting better day by day but he was very confused to give his life one chance. But I always motivated him and gave him time for our relationship and then he moved on with me. I would propose to him today about our marriage after my competition. I thought my life would change completely today. But what happened today it's actually changed my life..... I got late to reach my competition.I was dressing up in green room then what I saw I was completely shocked. I saw same to same face of Bela was standing in front of me. Actually Mahir saw her picture to me.  How is it possible?
I thought that maybe she is an another person, I mean doppelganger.  But when she introduced herself in front of me I was completely shocked. I couldn't concentrate on my performance. I was tried to call Mahir but whenever I was going to call him, many obstacles were coming there.  I couldn't walk perfectly on the ramp her face came into my eyes again and again and I fainted on the stage. Everyone who was present in front of me came, I saw that Mahir also came. I told him in a cracked voice that Bela is present here but he couldn't believe me at first. Then after saw my condition he believed my words I told him that I'm fine please go quickly and catch her. He went crazy looking for her but he couldn't. After a while, I told him to go back to the hotel and then we would think about what we should do. But he didn't agree, after consoling him a few times, he agreed. His condition was getting worse. After we reached our hotel room he was going mad I consoled him again and again. He is now asleep after taking the medicine. I never thought that it would happen to me. My life was going so perfectly. But after all, we can't against to our destiny. I don't know what will happen next in my life. But thank you for always listening to my stupid life story. See you tomorrow.

Promo:   Mahir met Bela. Will Bela recognize him?


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