Chapter 5 - A pinch of Happiness

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"And now I see that the struggle was beautifulBeautiful (Beautiful)Beautiful, it was beautiful (Beautiful)"

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"And now I see that the struggle was beautiful
Beautiful (Beautiful)
Beautiful, it was beautiful (Beautiful)"

- Queen Naija ~ Beautiful


"I am no man's possession," Empress seethed before getting. "I think it's time I go,"  her jaw clenched while her hands balled up into a fist.

What type of fuckery is this? She thought to herself. Adjusting the bag strap on her shoulder, she faced herself forward as she held her head high.

While King sat comfortably watching her. He licked his lips loving how feisty his soon-to-be Queen was. After what King wanted he got.

"No need to rush, Empress," He spoke. A chill went over Empress's body once more making her hate this man even more.

"I'm going home and that's final," Empress urged. She wouldn't back down not one bit. King's jaw clenched before nodding his head in acceptance as he motions his men to escort her out safely.

But before Empress had left the room he had said something that irked her soul even more.

"See you around Neighbor!" He snickers.



Empress exhaled deeply, dropping herself onto her king-size bed making her smile in happiness.

Maybe it was better if she hadn't taken her father's money but how could she have lived her life like that?

She knew that she would've worked her way up somehow but she couldn't wait that long. She quickly shook her thoughts of the negative before her mind couldn't help but go back to her hot next-door neighbor, King.

She closed her eyes as she envisions the dominating man, His long jet black hair, brown eyes, and his angelic sculptured face. Made Empress swoon and the height difference between the two made it even better.

She loved a man taller than her considering she was 5'8.

Shaking her head once again she exhaled opening her eyes. She looked dumbfoundingly at the ceiling.

He had wanted her?! Why? Every person she loved had died and left her. Which was why she had never gotten close to her coworkers. Well except for Alissa that girl never stopped nagging her until Empress had given her number to her.

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