12. Control

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"What do you mean what's happening? Did you forget how we got here?" Sam asked as Mike pointed around the cabin mumbling to himself.

"Sam- I. What's happening?" Mike repeated once again. Sam shook her head and stood up to put her hands on Mike's shoulder.

As she did, he focused his attention on her. "Mike. Everything is okay. We're here, at the cabin, I asked if you wanted to give me a rundown of what happened while you were here with Jess?" Sam said.

Mike shook his head and broke away from her.

"What? Oh fuck." Mike put his hands on the sides of his head as he leaned down.

"Mike, I think it's time we get out of here." Sam suggested while she walked backwards to the door.

Mike stood up straight and his eyes widened as he screamed at her. "Sam get away from that door!" Mike quickly ran to Sam and tackled her to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Mike asked. Sam groaned at her body being slammed to the ground. "Uh well besides being pummeled by you, sure I'm fine." Sam said as she let out a breath.

"Sorry." Mike said as he realized he was still on top of her.

He quickly sat up and grabbed Sam's hand to pull her up.

He turned around to see Wolfie. He frightened himself at first but then he remembered. Wolfie. "Shit, Sam- I- we need to get out of here." Mike said.

Sam nodded and walked away from the door a bit. Mike stepped to the door and opened it. Wolfie ran out first, most likely frightened by Mike's behavior or he just wanted to lead the way.

"Sorry, I'm not really sure what happened there." Mike apologized again. "It's alright. I get it. The same thing probably would've happened to me if the lodge was still- y'know, standing."

Mike chuckled as he looked to Sam who was smiling to herself as they walked.

"What do you want to do?" Sam asked him as she stopped walking. "What do you mean?" Mike asked back.

"Well, I don't want the same thing to happen to you and I have a feeling that if we keep going, then it will." Sam explained.

Mike sighed and stopped walking as well. "What if this is just, a coping mechanism?" Mike asked.

Sam raised an eyebrow and smirked at him. "Really? Reliving the most terrifying night imaginable? That's what you want to do?" Sam questioned.

Mike opened his mouth to speak, but then quickly closed it with a smirk and nodded his head with a, "Mmhmm."

Sam scoffed and waved her hand at him. "Fine, but anything else and then we're leaving." Sam explained.

Mike nodded as he led the way to where Jess had been taken to.


"Good morning." Emily said with a smile while she poked her head into Josh's room. He was still sleeping.

She quickly covered her mouth and shut the door quietly before leaving.

She let out an exaggerated "phew" as she walked away from his door.

She looked into Jess's room and saw that she and Matt were still sleeping.

"That boy can sleep for days if he wanted to." Emily said to herself.

She stepped out of the room and back into the hallway and crossed her arms.

What do I do now?

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