•I guess i'll go then•

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Previously: "I have a tiny itsi bitsi favour to ask."
Also i wasn't clear in the previous chapter about what month it was so I'm saying it is September ☺️.

Shotos pov

I sigh, what does he want now? I hope I don't have to dress up as a girl again. That doesn't bring back the best memories.

"What is it."
"Well there's this party.... and I was hoping you would come with me. It's nothing big, just a costume party."
"I'll think about it."
"Oh please please please. It won't be anything big. I promise!"
"Why me. I'm not a very good person to bring to a party."

He swings back on his chair and laughs.

"Because your my friend and because super cute. You might find someone you like."

I have someone I like. I thought to myself.

"You should come out more. Make new friends."
"I don't know. I'll think about it."
"I'll ask you again later. Hey bring inasa if you want."

Hmm maybe bringing inasa isn't a bad idea. That will definitely make me want to go to the party.

"Well I'm going. I have a class to get to."

He gets up, waves and leaves. I look at the time. 9:30am. Did I really spend that long in here. I save my work and start to pack my things up. Class starts at 9:45 so I have time to get there.

I leave the library and go to my health class. I walk up to the door and open it. I'm greeted by pro hero miriko.

"Are you here for the health class?"
"Uh yes I am."
"Great. Sit down next to the boy over there."

I look over to where she's pointing. Right next to Bakugou. Just great. I walk over and sit down next to him. He looks at me and growls.

"The fuck do you thing your doing."
"Miriko told me to sit here. If you have a problem talk to her."

I sit down and unpack my things and wait for class to start. More people come in. I see iida walk in. I can hear him apologising for being late even though he's not. I really hope that he sits near me. That way health class won't be so bad. I see miriko point next to me. Thank god! I smile and give a small wave. He smiles and sits down next to me. So it's Bakugou me and iida on one table. I hear Bakugou grunt. He's obviously upset at the fact that iida is here as well.

"Okay class. Let's start. I hope you all know who I am but for those who don't I'm the rabbit hero miriko but you can call me Rumi sensei. I just wanna set out some basic rules. No speaking over me unless you must have to. Which you won't. And another thing. It has become apparent to me that sexism is a problem for some odd reason. Yes it is rare to see omegas as hero's but I will absolutely not tolerate anyone saying anything rude or sexist in any way. You will be delt with. And trust me. The punishment will not be light. Understood?"

Her voice is so commanding. In a good way. Her voice demanded attention and that's what it got. I can already tell she's gonna be a good teacher.

"Understood Rumi sensei!"

Everyone replied, iida obviously the loudest. I glance over at Bakugou and he doesn't look happy.

"I noticed that not everyone replied. Bakugou how bout you say that on your own then?"

I look at him and I can see a vein poppin in his head. Bakugou hardly ever gets called out. Let alone in private but in from of a whole class! Wow Rumi sensei is amazing. I can hear another growl come from Bakugou

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