9. First Touch !

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Hi Guys... Here is I am back with another chapter of the story

Evening Time

Naira was watching a culinary show on the TV when the bells rang, she took long strides hoping it would be Kartik, as soon she opened the door her eyes met with a highly tired Kartik. His tie was loose, bags under eyes and hair messed up. She quickly made space for him to enter," Kartik..!!", she gasped seeing his condition while he just hummed and sat down on the sofa pressing his forehead with his fingers. She gently moved towards him asking," You all right..??"

Obviously he can't see that, he mumbled," Yeah, just a little headache... I'll just grab the medicine in a minute.." saying he lied little more on the couch, his voice was filled with tiredness, indeed this work is taking toll on his health and she can see that from last one week its been very very hectic for him. She quickly move little closer to her and pressed her fingers lightly on his forehead, feeling a light touch on his forehead he removed his fingers, his headache was so much that he didn't even thought who the person is, his eyes were closed and the way his forehead lines eased it gave her the sense that he is relaxing. He laid more down on the couch while she gently pressed his forehead, relaxing those fine lines that appeared on him.

" You look better in a jovial or serious look but this tired look, the look you are exhausted from.. You don't look good in it..", She thought to herself and kept on pressing the fingers taking his ache from his body. After a couple of minutes when his headache eased out he realized that a soft finger touch was pressing against his skin, he slowly opened his eyes to find a worried Naira, messaging his forehead. No wonder, his ache removed after all he's better half took all of it from him. He smiled at her lightly, and caught her fingers, making her a little surprised. He sat back on the couch still keeping her fingers in her his hands and whispered," Thanks"

She was astonished for a moment, a mere Thanks brought a sudden wave of emotions in her body, she simply smiled at him and asked with concern," Are you feeling now..!!"

Entwining his fingers with hers, he said now this time softly," Better.. Your magical fingers took away all my pain.."

She blushed, yes she blushed as after like a long time or like probably seem to br first time Kartik complimented her, her husband complimented her, she don't know how to react she felt butterflies in her stomach the best she could do was run from there and hide herself somewhere, she got up releasing her grip from him, but her legs top tripped and she fall back on his lap, but before she could fall down he held her tightly.

Her eyes went wide and same was his but then with passing time they both got drowned in each other. He saw her deep pool of eyes, so much she has caged in it, his heart was saying to explore it more. He recalled the afternoon session where he brought tears in him, he still felt guilty and had promised himself to not shout on her unnecessarily, but sometimes things are not in hands. He wants his things to be placed in a way he wants perfect and no one dares to touch that. But now with Naira, he needs to understand the situation, he needs to understand the relationship they share because in husband-wife nothing is personal, in fact they share the most personal space with each other.

Here on the side she was equally equally getting drowned in his big blak eyes, she saw so much flow of emotions in it that made her wonder what was going on inside his mind, and specifically to his heart. They were staring at each other without blinking, indeed his touch on her waist was bringing her a certain flow of emotions in her body and there when he held his neck for the support he could see that she needed to be protected from every hurdle.

Tose Naina Laage Piyaa Savren Nahin Bas Mein Ab Ye Jiyaa Savren

Mohabbat To Ek Javeda Zindagi Hai

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