chapter 24

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As rider went to talk to Carter I was thinking of how far is rider to give birth.

Then it hit me I probably should have told grandpa Mark that I got someone's number but he doesn't call it anymore so why not call.

I walked away from hunter Zach and Zine because I haven't told them about the business my grandpa does but grandma Zac helps him.

Your probably thinking Marcus are you sure this is a good idea and my answer will be maybe but I don't know.

Ok here goes nothing let's just hope grandpa won't fine out because he'll tell dad then dad will yell at me then mom and grandma will hit them both upside the head.

As the phone rings the 3rd time I hear someone speaking.

"Holla this is black jet how can I help you" ok here goes nothing if I dead tell my mate's i love them.

"Hi black jet my name is Marcus Henry revata um I would like to talk to you in person" I'm shaking mass right now because grandpa Mark never talk about this guy.

"Marcus Henry revata hmm oh my goddess I'm so happy to talk to you but tell me kid how in the living hell did you get this number" black jet told me how I got his number but I can't say that I got your number from my grandpa.

"Oh um I got your number from a family member yeah and so can we met in person please" I didn't hear him but I did heard gun shots going off I looked in the next room making sure my mate's didn't hear it.

"Si we can meet in person but I'll bring my mate and children with me but hear me out kid I don't trust very easily I don't care if you have family double cross me and I kill you people that call me is to someone so if you called me then I have a job to do for you I'm a train assassin so I know my with weapons we meet today afternoon the warehouse between 5th and 6th street and come on time" I gulped now I'm scared of this guy even though I haven't met this guy yet.

"Ok I'll be there on time bye black jet" he hung up on me I told my mate's that I'm going out for a little bit and I said that I'm visiting my grandparents so yeah I am a bad mate please forgive me moon goddess please.

I got into my car and started it I just hope that they tell rider and Carter that I left ok here goes nothing.

I made it to the warehouse black jet told me too pray that this goes well if not then I won't be around my babies and mate's.

As I got out of my car I went into the warehouse it's seems like nobody used it in so long.

When you are raised in a mafia family you um you start to feel if someone or somebody is following you but if someone was that is.

Then I see two guys and a kid playing I think they live here but if so they be all dirty or something.

The little guy saw he stood up and walked up to me I feel like I shouldn't be scared I smelled his scent he's omega weird.

"Holla kid my name is Enrique speedy Gonzalez Prince I'm know as black jet I come from the Gonzalez family mafia I am know to be deadly so lets get to business si" he put his hand out for me to shake so I took my hand out to his and we shook.

We sat down he looked at me to make sure I didn't have anything on me.

"Ok you know my name and I know your name but I got this feeling that you no werewolf not full grown but a hybrid between werewolf and va-" Enrique cut himself off and looked in my eyes to see something he looked closely into my then he sat back down.

"Ha ha ha that man never seems to surprise me at all I know he has children with his mate Zac oh Mark old friend he never told me he has grandchildren man but don't worry I know you are revata don't need Mark on my tail now talk I was very busy when you call me"

"Ha sorry ok my mate rider is pregnant he is a rare leopard he has were cat,vampire and witch blood in him so when I to know how long does it take for him to give birth to the pups or cubs" Enrique sat way back in his chair looking up thinking about something he didn't look at me for the longest time.

"Oh goddess ok look Marcus you say that your mate is one of a kind leopard ok well let's see if he is all of those you say he is and he is matted to alpha ok um think about household cat's ok they give birth in three months the same for wild cat's they can have as many babies I should know my baby cousin is half werewolf and were cat but he has vampire, mermaid,werewolf,witch oh and alien blood but your mate has three kinds of blood in him the first will be vampire then were cat then witch so I need to meet your mate or mate's ok" I nodded to Enrique but now I need to tell my mate's everything now but I love being mysterious around them but then I'll be yelled at by Carter Zach zine and Hunter rider I don't know how he will take it because he's pregnant.

"Ok Enrique but I have to tell you now that I have 5 mate's I'll tell you their names on the way to the pride land" Enrique nodded it seems like he is hidden something too.

He got up and back to the big guy he came with and the kid Enrique picked the kid up giving him kisses oh that's got to be his kid.

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