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"Kangana Ma'am, few months back you were looking for a women willing to act a surrogate", Mehek asked her boss anxiously. "Yea, it was for a NRI couple. I guess they found a lady and went back to States. Why are you asking about it now?" Kangana looked at her. Mehek nervously shrugged, "I am willing to be a surrogate". "What happened? Is Ajay in any trouble again", Kangana asked him. When Mehek didn't reply, she shook her head in dismay, "Mehek how long you will endure him and his crazy mother? He is not worth it. Do a favour on yourself and leave him". "I can't", Mehek gave the usual reply," I love him". "This is not love. You consider yourself indebted to him bcoz he married you against all odds. Wake up, Mehek. Look at yourself, what have you become. You are a fallen angel now", Kangana turned her to face the mirror. Mehek squeezed her eyes shut, unable to face herself. "Ma'am, if possible please help me. I am ready to do anything as I urgently need money. I am ready to rent out my womb too", she begged with folded hands.

 "I am so sorry, Kanganaji. I didn't know you were still with a client. Well, I have an appointment now", a middle aged man who entered apologized. "Oh! No problems Mishraji. She is not a client. This is Mehek, one of our masseuse. I will assign you to your spa room", Kangana attended him and turned to Mehek, "I can't promise but I will see what I can do Mehek. So go now and manage your appointments". Mehek nodded and left. Mishra casted an evil eye on Mehek.

Mehek's shift ended and she waited for her bus. Her mother-in-law called her, "Mehek, were you able to arrange money? Those goons came again and threatened to kill Ajay. Do something". "Pammi Aunty, I am trying my best yet...", Mehek paused timidly. "Your best is not enough Mehek. Only mistake Ajay did was bringing bad luck into his life by marrying you. You may get another husband but I will not get another son". She cut the call after cursing Mehek.

Mehek sobbed quietly avoiding attention from others. She was happy when it started to rain. "Hey, is that you Mehek? Remember me? We met at the spa?", Mishra waved from his car. Mehek politely nodded. "Come on, hop in. I will drop you home", he invited. Mehek was skeptical but when he insisted, she complied. "I am sorry to intrude but are you in some financial trouble ? I overheard you were ready to be a surrogate", he asked while driving. Mehek was embarrassed but nodded. "Why to waste to nine months of your life when you could earn more in few days or weeks", he suggested surprising Mehek. "A beautiful women like you should be aware of your own worth and know how to encash it", he smiled wickedly. 

"Excuse me? I am married women from a cultured family. I may sell my internal organs but not my honour", she lashed at him. "Will your honour pay for your needs? I don't think so Mehek. Besides I am not some cheap pimp. All my clients are rich people from elite families. It may shock you but many girls like you work for me. Your identity will be well protected whole you can earn good money in few hours", he explained. "Please stop the car. I will get down here", she asked him. "Don't be silly. I was just suggesting. If you are not interested then this conversation never took place. Okay ? Just keep my card, incase you change your mind", he pushed his card into her bag before halting the car.

Mehek got down and ran to the near deserted bus stop and waited for bus.'Ajay calling', her phone displayed. She quickly picked the call and heard his inebriated voice, "Mehek, my love. Where are you? If you are running around to arrange money to save your pathetic, good for nothing husband then please don't and go home". "Ajay , where are you?", she panicked. "I am at the bar. I want to make it easy for those loan sharks. The last thing I want is to be killed in my house infront of you and mummy. Mehek I want to apologize for everything. I promised you a happy life and pulled you into this hell. I really wanted to make you my queen but I failed", he sobbed. "Ajay please, don't do this to me", Mehek begged him.

 "I don't have any right to ask you but if possible please take care of my mother. She may not be able to bear my death but you have to be strong. Once I am gone please start your life afresh and live your life happily", he told her. "Ajay, stop blabbering. Go home and rest. If Babu Bhai calls, then tell him I have arranged money and will get it to him tomorrow", she told him. "How will you do it?", Ajay was anxious. "I found a way. Will tell you tomorrow. I may be late tonight but don't worry, I will come back with money", before Ajay could ask more and weaken her, she disconnected the call. Mehek searched for Mishraji's business card and dialed his number shivering hands.

He was sitting in dark, playing with flute glass in his hand. He checked his phone and found numerous missed calls from Shruthi. He noted the time and acknowledged that her wedding would have been over by now. He took another sip of his drink. Finally he got the call he had been waiting for. "Hello Ma. Hope the ceremony went fine. How did Shruthi look in bridal wear ? How is Vicky doing?", he asked her cheerfully. He didn't get any reply but soft sobs from his mother, Karuna. "Shaurie, it should have been you. You were supposed to marry to Shruthi today", she wept softly. "We talked about it, Ma. This is for the best. Shruthi deserves a better man" he tried to consoled Karuna.

"Shruthi love you so much, Shaurie. Till the last moment she was trying to reach you. She still hoped that you may come and stop the wedding. She was crying when I led her to the altar", Karuna explained. "I lost the privilege to be her man. I am no longer the most eligible bachelor", he touched the ugly scar that ran from his forehead till his chin. He hated his scarred face and didn't want to burden his love with his horrible truth. 

Shaurya loved Shruthi to the moon and back. He loved her too much to hurt her with his disfigured face. Once he disconnected the call, he recalled his memories with Shruthi. Their love, proposal, engagement and then his accident. From there life took a U turn for him. He finished his drink and threw the glass away. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number, "Mishra, I need women tonight. Don't send some whinny b**ch. Send someone strong enough with endurance. Understand?", he barked.

"Looks like a lucky night for you", Mishra gazed at Mehek. "I got a client who pays really well. He lives alone in his villa in an isolated area. He...", Mishra was cut short by Mehek. "How much will I get?", Mehek asked without emotions though her eyes were brimming. Mishra chuckled , "Already learning to bargain, huh? Good. Usually a lakh per hour. 10% of what you earn is my commission", he explained, "But this guy has special demands so he pays double. He is kind of wierdo as he enjoys pain" ."Like BDSM?", Mehek asked. "Hmmm. At times, he is extreme. The last girl I send to him was scared to death after spending night with him. So be careful", he advised. She nodded numbly.

"Call me when you are done so I will pick you", Mishra told while he dropped her at gates of a huge villa. She opened and trod in the rain to reach the main door. She tried to knock but found it ajar. She moved ahead nervously across the dim lit room. She clutched her handbag firmly as if gaining energy from it. "Did Mishra send you?", his voice beamed in the hall. She looked at the tall figure in the dark on top of the stairs. She nodded quickly. He took his phone and talked into it , "Mishra, she looks fine. You can leave now". He kept the phone down and asked her, "What's your name?" . "Uh ...Huh", Mehek cleared her throat, "Shanaya".

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