You're Cute When You're Mad - Theo

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You barged into your room, slamming the door open and closed, which caused Theo to dart his gaze in your direction. He was sitting on your bed, waiting for you to get home.

"Geez (y/n), what's with the aggression?"

"I have had enough of this! I am done, and I am over it!"

"What exactly?"

"These hunters! I mean, if you're going to try and kill me, at least come and hunt me down in the woods or something. But no! Slash my tires instead! Make me walk all the way home, and then don't even come after me! Ugh!"

Theo was stifling a laugh as you were ranting.

"Do I want to be hunted at all? No, of course not, but I would really appreciate some effort here! I need to pay like two-hundred dollars to replace all four of my tires now, and they didn't chase me or even show up! They just left the stupid arrowhead stabbed into the rubber! It's like this was just some stupid criminal act to cause chaos! I don't need their chaos, my life is already chaos!"

Theo was still trying to hide his laugh, but he wasn't doing that good of a job.

You glared at him, "Why the hell are you laughing? This isn't funny Theo!"

He was full on laughing now, and you were just staring at him angrily.

He composed himself as best as he could, "I know it's not funny, and I know this is just an extra annoyance to deal with. But it's so hard to take you serious because you're just so cute when you're mad."

Your jaw dropped in both shock and annoyance, "I am not cute! I am dark, dangerous, and very pissed off!"

Theo made a pouty face, "Aww, how cute!"

You narrowed your eyes, "How dare you."

"You may be a big, bad wolf to the hunters, and even your pack. But, to me, you're just a cute, little puppy."

You wanted to counter what he said, but you felt your cheeks heat up, so you looked away and tried to hide your smile.

Theo laughed a little, "Exactly my point."

You looked back at him with a smile, "Okay okay, you win," you narrowed your eyes again, "but that doesn't mean I'm not pissed off about the hunters!"

He laughed again, "I know, and I'll help you deal with them, but how about for now you come over here and cuddle with me. I've only been waiting for like an hour."

You smiled again as you walked over and sat on his lap, "You call me the puppy, but you're quite the mush too you know."

He smiled as he wrapped his arms around you, "Only for you."

You wrapped your arms around his torso and smushed yourself up against him. He held onto you tighter and kissed the top of your head before leaning back on the bed and pulling you down with him.

You were now laying completely on top of him, so you snuggled into him as much as you could, with your cheek pressed against his chest and your hands on his shoulders, all while his arms stayed wrapped around your torso.



"I love you."

You smiled a little, "I love you too Theo."


Ahhh, Theo fluff is my favorite! Like guys, I freaking love writing Theo fluff cause I feel like he deserves a chance to just be cute and have a fluffy moment.

I hope you guys liked this one as much as I did!

Thanks for reading! <3

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