1 - She's back!

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Genre: Action ☩ LightRomance ☩ Fantasy ☩ Friendship ☩ Comedy?

Summer Xavier POV

I crossed the alley in a couple of strides, my running pace becoming more fast and silent. I'm currently outside the town doing a part time job as a Moordenaar in Sicarius Inc.. Its a known secret group in the past, I was a member here since a long time ago. The owner is still the same, his still alive, what an old man! Well, his appearance is still the same since the last time I saw him. And I always call him Old man and not in his name.

I coincidently saw him in the town and he offer me a job, at first I was wary and not sure but in the end I accpeted it but as a part-timer only. They have a small branch in Livonia...

Right now, the Sicarius Inc. is known in the present as a group of people who do services like delivering, messenger and bodyguard; well, in the surface that's what everyone thought about but actually theirs more to it, assasination and Hunting is included. A member can choose whatever job is available; since I'm temporary member right now I only choose job that is easy money.

Well, I need money... I decided not to steal any more from anyone since I want to change. Joke. Actually I got caught by Hunter stealing some money in school. I didn't tell him that I'm broke and penniless....

In this time money is important... I need food that I can consume, this fast few days I notice that my thirst for blood had stop. I don't get a sudden attack in wanting blood, even if I see one I don't get thirsty or crave for it at all. Well, at least that's good. If it helps me not bother Hunter in helping me getting blood from his mothers hospital.

What a bummer, I can't just depend on him or anyone when it come to expenses. I don't want to be a person who doesn't have a job and therefore needs to be fed but hey I'm still a high school student so that's a given but since I'm different from them.... I have to earn money so I won't become a burden to anyone. For all my life I never depended to anyone, I think. Now that I think about it their are lots of things that I done and had experience.

I was a lazy vampire but I still do some fun things that might take my interest... And being a Moordenaar is one of them.

It was fun....Meeting new faces new people. New enemy, yap! I made a lot of them especially the latter. Enemy here, enemy there, enemy everywhere and still counting.

I stop from running and stared at the place where I'm supposed to be...a fancy building for rich people I think. Hmm, you must be wondering what I'm doing here?! I'm currently doing my job as a assassin. Kidding! I'm doing a delivery right now in this place. I entered inside, their are two guards in front of the entrance, both in their uniform. They look at me suspiciously, well who wouldn't?! With the way I dress up. I'm wearing a skinny black jeans which is really fitted by the way and somehow it's comfortable, a black combat leather shoes and a black hooded jacket that reach until my eyebrows. And I almost forgot about the black mask I'm wearing.

Imagine it. I look like a hoodlum, a person who engages in crime and violence; a hooligan or gangster. Or a drug user. Or a weirdo dress in all black?

You may ask where I got it.... Old man gave it to me, he said 'Better conceal your ugly face...people might get scared.'

'The nerve!' I muttered

He gave me a wooden sword as a weapon, he warned me about using my strength in my job, especially if their are bystander involve. New business rule. Tsk. When did he become such a considerate person, in the past kill anyone who gets in the way, innocent or not.

The two guards narrowed their eyes on me but nevertheless they let me inside when I said that I came to deliver something to the owner that came from Sicarius Inc. and just by hearing that they immediately made me enter.

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