3 - Date gone wrong

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Summer Xavier POV

I woke up in the morning feeling horrible, I unwrap the bandage in my stomach to check the wound. Its not healing, why? This thing had supposed to heal already. Even though silver is our weakness that doesn't mean that we wont heal from it. It just make our healing process slower. When I say slower... I mean really slower!

I look at it and the wound didn't close up, its swelling and it forming some bruises.

I know that this will heal but I think its going to take long, I was stab before near my heart and it took almost a month for it to heal completely. It was one of the most agonizing experience I had!

I think this injury will take a week or maybe two to heal.

I stood up and took a bath so I can be prepare for my date with Hunter... Date, whatever that is!

Our meeting place is in the plaza just across the towns old tower clock, at one pm and were supposed to attend our morning class but looks like I'm skipping school today to let my wound heal more and for our date. Which is by the way I still don't what it is! What a bummer!?! But I did ask Lalaine what is date about but she answered me to wear some nice dress, she give me one of her cream knee length dress color.

That girl is so friendly with me... I guess I can call her a friend?

After taking a bath I went back to bed to rest again... My body felt kinda heavy so I just close my eyes for second!

I woke up...still a little sleepy, I look at the wall clock which is already 11:53, then it hit me!

'THE DATE!!!!' I screamed

I immediately stood up and wash my face then change some clothes... I wear the one Lalaine gave me and let my hair down... And for the shoes, combat! I went out of the house but return to get the red scarf Hunter gave me.

I arrive at our meeting place at exactly 12:17....

At the old plaza just across the old tower clock where we supposed to meet up, I leaned back on the street lamp.... Few people walks here so its a perfect place... Theirs a new mall and a park build in close to the center of the town. While this place that I'm right now is alittle far away in the center. No wolves go here since this is kinda the humans turf. And beside its old.


We were going to meet here at exactly one pm but it looks like I was early... I guess I should take a walk a little here just to past time... I don't like waiting.

I look at the clock tower... It's really old and I the clock is not working I think... I cross the alley and enter the tower, their's a human guard but slip away him not noticing or seeing me so I successfully entered the tower clock.

Inside, it was empty except for the broken chairs and desk.. All I can see is dust and a stair leading to the clock, the stair looks bad theirs no way I can step on it. I decided to go back from our meeting place until I felt a presence around me. Their was an intent and felt something approaching, as I turn around an arrow is heading my way in a fast speed. I caught it in my hands... 'Silver...' I muttered as I check it.

Again... Someones trying to kill me. I was on guard waiting for the attack as I try to walk slowly to the door to exit this place but another one was shot and I caught it. After a few seconds several arrows and knives were thrown at me but I already extracted my fingers into claws and use it to counter it. Another few was shot again at me and I saw a figure behind the old and broken window... I sniff the air, at first I didn't smell anything until I smell it... Humans... How many are they here?

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