17. Bad News

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Song: Ashes By Celine Dion

Kat has been back and forth with her lawyers all week, trying to find away that both her and Ray can agree on. He wants to do an interview with both of them there, but Kat just want to release it over Instagram, so it can be over and done with as quick as possible. Which is what I would prefer as well.

Besides all of that, me and Kat have had a blast filming these last couple of days, she had some scenes with Mel, which is always fun to watch, especially when Kat keeps asking questions to make sure is doing everything right. Shes so cute.

Since it was Friday afternoon, I was in the studio waiting for them to set up the last couple of scenes with me and Tim, when Kat came in walking calmly towards me with a distressed panic look on her face.

"I have some bad news" she says to me

"What is it! Hun, is everything okay?" I softly ask her.

She looks around, quickly taking my hand in hers and walks us just outside of the set.

"I have to go to Toronto"

My heart sank.

"I know, I was just told that he was going to do the interview regardless if Im there or not, and my lawyer thinks it would be best if I did it with him"

"Im coming with you" I insisted

"Babe, I would want nothing more, but I cant let you leave here to go to my divorce announcement, and dont you think that will be a little too obvious to the media and everyone here at work"

"I dont care, I dont want you to be alone with him, and I dont want to be alone here" I wine

"I know, I dont want to go alone either, he's just isn't backing down, and I need to do this, I just do"

I lean in giving her kiss "Fine, but you better call me every time you get the chance. When are you leaving? " I pull her in closer to me.

"thats the thing I actually need to go really soon, because they want to have a meeting early tomorrow morning before we film the interview, they say it will be live, so I should be home by tomorrow night or Sunday morning"

We jump apart at the sound of one of a crew member calling my name at the top of his lungs.

"Ill be there in a second" I shout back.

"Let me just finish this and then we can head to yours okay?"

"Okay, I'm going to grab somethings out of my trailer to take with me, I love you"

"I love you too" we kiss goodbye walking our separate ways.

I know that Kat is being cautious about me being there with her and how it might look, but if we announce our relationship straight after she announces the divorce or if we wait either way people will think that she cheated on him with me. However, I will wait till she is ready and until she feels that it the right time, I am in no rush, my love for her wont go anywhere.


Arriving at her apartment, I let myself in, hearing soft crys coming from her bedroom. Sitting in the middle of the bed, Kat was surround by photographs. Photos of her and ray and their wedding, honeymoon and so many more scattered across the bed.

Rushing in I hold her tightly in my arms "Im here, shhhh, shhh, its okay" she continues to weep into my shoulder.

"I dont know why am crying, or why I even looked at these"

"He was a massive part of your life, Love, even though you didnt love him, he was your past 3 years, its okay to cry, youre allowed to cry" I hold her tightly, not even able to imagination what shes going through right now.

Love seeing all the comments! Makes my day tbh ❤️ -V.V xx

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