Chapter Eighteen

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Packing my things up feels like it takes way too much time

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Packing my things up feels like it takes way too much time. The seconds feel like minutes as I power down the blank HP desktop. Typing and sifting papers is still sounding around me, letting me know people are still working. It makes me happy to have such a great boss. If not, then I'd still be sitting around working for the next few hours. Now that I finally finished that stack, I can go.

Finishing up the work moved a lot slower than I would've liked. Too much occupied my mind to focus on the codes. After everything, I just couldn't. Lethargy overcame me and sadness enveloped my core. It's not a good time.

Once the screen turns black, I stand and gather my stuff. Then I head to my boss's door and knock. When he lets me know I can come in, I poke my head into the door. Mister Novak sits hunched over, his gaze intent on the computer screen before him. It causes his face to glow, illuminating it brightly. He barely glances at me before nodding.

"Heading out? You finished the stack, I assume?"

I nod, though he's not looking at me. "Yes sir, I've already emailed you some notes, but here's the stack with corrections and notes." Walking in, I hold the stack out, then place it on his desk when I reach him.

"Good, you did good. You can go. Have a good weekend."

But I don't leave. Instead, I linger there, shuffling on my feet. Since we had that talk earlier, I've felt sick to my stomach about how I addressed him. No matter how I felt, I should have never talked to my boss like that. I shouldn't talk to anyone like that. My tone could've been a lot nicer, a lot smoother when standing up for Seren. I'm not sorry for that, but I am for how I said things. Ever since, it's been weighing on my mind.

Clearing my throat, I say, "Sir? I want to apologize for the way I spoke to you before." The tremble in my voice is loud in my ears, and I wonder if he can also hear it. "I think I was way out of line and I'm sorry for that."

"But not for what you said?" He tilts his head to the side, a curious look on him.

"No," I confirm, shaking my head. "Never sorry for what I said. Just how I said it."

"Then don't be sorry, Sutton. You stood up for yourself and someone you care about. That means more than a tone of voice. If that's how you felt you needed to speak, then don't apologize for that."

I can't help slacking my jaw and widening my eyes in disbelief. Coming in here to apologize, I assumed I'd be silenced, maybe even fired. The understanding look on Chandler Novak's face is still astounding, and I feel stupefied.

In the chance of sounding like a broken record, I've never had the chance to stand up for anything. There were only ever off chances where I'd shake my head or mumble under my breath. Those times only happened when people decided to bring my family into the bullying done to me. Almost always, I've been silenced. I've become conditioned to just keep quiet and take what life throws at me without a complaint.

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