3. Leave me alone

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I settle down at the dining room table with my coffee and bagel. I check and reply to my emails, and send a couple texts to my assistant. A reminder on my calendar makes me cringe, I've been dreading today's meeting since last week's. I really can't stand being around Elizabeth.

"Daddy?" I hear a quiet voice say.

Abigail is standing by the doorway holding onto her stuffed tiger, still in pajamas.

"Honey? Why aren't you dressed?" I place my coffee back down onto a coaster and walk over to her. She doesn't look so well, her normally bright blue eyes look tired and dreary. I crouch down to her height and touch her forehead.

"I don't feel so good." Abigail mumbles, leaning into my chest. Her forehead is hot, she definitely has a fever.

"Alright, head back to bed Abby," I take her hand and lead her back to her room, "I have an important day at work so I'll call Grandma Katie to stay with you till I get home ok?"

She nods as I tuck her back into bed. I kiss her forehead and leave the room, quietly shutting the door behind me.


"Good morning Natalia," I nod to our receptionist. She gives me a chirpy hello before picking up a ringing phone. I take the elevator up to the 34th floor and head to my office. I drop off my coat and bag, and check my clock, I still have ten minutes before I need to head to the meeting. I sigh and collapse into my leather chair to rest and mentally prepare myself.

I walk into the meeting room, Dad's already there, sitting to the left of the head of the table. He has his laptop out with several documents spread out across the table. He looks relaxed, I guess he's looking forward to retirement.

"Morning Paxton," he greets me as I sit next to him, "how are you?"

I groan. "Dad, come on, you know exactly how I am." Just so enervated from these meetings, more and more so every week. 

He chuckles and pats my shoulder. "I know you and Elizabeth don't get along, but this is a big opportunity. You can't let your personal life interfere with business, it's just a recipe for disaster." He has no idea how 'personal' my history with Elizabeth is.

"I know, but I still don't see any real justification as to why she's taking over as CEO. I've been working here for almost eight years now, she hasn't even been here for half that time." I know this company inside out. I think there's still a lot of potential for the future that I can help us incite, that she can't. Does that make me callous? I guess I don't care.

"COO is still a very important position son, I've held this position for decades since Jason invited me to become business partners when we were younger," he says more seriously. "I understand why you want to be CEO, but he still holds majority ownership, so in the end, his decision is final."

"Nepotism at its finest," I grumble.

He runs his hand through his hair with a dry laugh. "You're not wrong I suppose. Don't worry, Jason and I will still be watching over the company as Chairmen for a while, to make sure nothing goes wrong."

The door opens and in comes Mr. Larsen, wearing a navy blue blazer and khakis. He's carrying a very thick folder of documents and a laptop. "Good morning Lincoln, Paxton," he greets us. He looks just as mellow as dad, quite different from the typically fastuous and presumptuous vibe he's given off for as long as I can remember.

"Morning Jason," dad greets.

"Morning Mr. Larsen, is Elizabeth on her way? Our meeting starts at nine right?" I ask looking at the clock, slightly passive aggressively. Dad gives me a hard nudge with his knee under the table, accompanied by a disapproving frown.

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