Chapter 6. Chasing sunsets

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The day went by dreadfully slow for Theo and he would constantly catch Ted watching him and Blaise too. Assuming Andromeda probably told them to keep watch on Theo in case he couldn't control his temper and do something crazy. Blaise had to take Theo's wands away just to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid because from what happened just that morning Theo was not in the right state of mind.

As Luna left to go back to Hogwarts Theo caught Blaise smiling at her as she left but he couldn't be sure. Tracey and Millicent left with Ted to bring back another defected so it leaves Blaise, Theo and 'Dromeda sitting on the couch saying absolutely nothing.

"You lot are full of sunshine aren't you?" asked Theo going back to his jokes as usual. He turned to see Blaise glaring at him. "Oh look at that blessed smile you got there, what a happy bunch we are."

"I'm going to clean up the kitchen, you just keep a watch on him." said Andromeda pointing at Theo.

"for Merlin's sake are you guys gonna end up watching me wipe my arse after I take a shit?" said Theo sarcastically.

"I'll watch you give birth through your arse if I have too." Blaise replied.

"could you imagine a baby coming out my arse? surely the hole would have to be quite b-

"I don't need that image in my head." 

"You have no sense of humor." 

"No, I just don't have a sense of Theo humor." 

"knock knock." said Theo. Blaise rolled his eyes.

"Knock knock!"

"Who's fucking there?" Blaise replied annoyed.

"someone who can get laid." Theo replied with a devilish smirk as Blaise completely ignore him.

"Hey, why can't orphans play baseball?" asked Theo.

"I don't fucking know and I don't care. " said Blaise rolling his eyes again.

"Because they don't know where home is." Theo said keeping the devilish smirk. "Get it, orphans? us? disowned by our family. Common give it a laugh." But Blaise just kept rolling his eyes.

Theo got up to get a biscuit that was left out by Andromeda. Blaise followed along.

"You know your like a little dog, following me everywhere." said Theo. "Should I get you a collar with a leash?"

"take a day off from being a prick alright?" said Blaise as Theo chuckled, They bickered for a bit and Blaise went to go take a nap as Theo wandered the house for hours trying to find his wand. As he given up on his search he noticed a noise outside. 3 figures appeared from a distance.

"Oh look at that, the mudbloods back." said Theo pointing to the other side of the garden as Blaise stumbled back up.

"No it's just Tracey and Millicent, there's no sight of Ted." said Blaise. As Theo looked closely the block he mistakened for Ted was Miles Bletchley a slytherin who Theo didn't know well. He had both his arm on each of the girls shoulders and he had blood on his forehead. As Andromeda rushes over to help aid Miles, Theo realized there wasn't Ted.

As Andromeda helped bring Miles into a room. Theo could see the blood stains on both Tracey and Millicent. They both had tears in their eyes as they watched Miles being healed by Andromeda.

"what the bloody hell happened to you two?" asked Theo.

"Where's Ted?" 'Dromeda asked running out.

"We were suppose to meet Miles up at hogwarts but as he apparated to the forbidden forest death eaters followed him and when we reached Miles the death eaters came after all of us." said Tracey. "We barely had time to even breathe because the death eaters was throwing curses at us and Millicent lost her wand and mine broke."

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