Chapter 21

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It's Sunday and today is also the second  day of my period and I was still having cramps but I was able to placed a warm  heater pad mom got me on my stomach to help me with my cramps.

I got out of bed  and I made the bed up and I went and did my usual hygiene then I slipped on my underwear with the pad.

I went and put on my dance uniform which was all black and plus I had to wear all black whenever my period  omes on from now on.

Plus mom talked to dad and dad is allowing me to have my phone but he told when I'm at school put it on silent and in my bag.

Plus mom talked to dad and dad is allowing me to have my phone but he told when I'm at school put it on silent and in my bag

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Imagine she is wearing black.

I packed my dance bag with my scarf and shoes along with some pads and then I slipped on my slides and a sweater I put my hair up in a top knot bun.

After that I grabbed my bag and I went downstairs to the kitchen but I rested my bag down by dad's suit.

" Good morning my Caribbean baby how are you feeling are you having any cramps today" said dad.

" Good morning and it sort of calm down like today I feel much better than yesterday " I said.

" That's great baby girl and did you do all your homework due this week " said dad.

" Daddy I do my homework in class when it's given plus I did all my homework and everything " I said one thing about me is I make sure I do my homework on time.

" Ok good baby girl and Tuesday you have a Doctor's appointment with Dr. Roberts so your not going to school Tuesday I sent them an email and they are sending a packet for you to do" said dad.

" Ok daddy not scared this time around so I'm going to be alright " I said.

" Where did my daughter go cause last time she was daddy I'm scared and she held on me tight " said dad.

" Well she is right here I mean my doctor is very nice and she was so patient with me and how she gave you them shots and also she made me realize that I don't need to be afraid " I said.

" Your right baby girl and I was right there by your side there was no need for you to be afraid because daddy will always be by your side baby girl I missed eleven years out of your life but your mom would send me pictures and she would send me Father's Day gifts on your behalf ok baby never be afraid " said dad .

" Wait what I never knew she did that for Father's Day and I know she would send photos and videos  because I remember she sat me down and recorded me saying who I am " I said.

" You mean the video where you said your whole name and everything yeah she sent that to me" said dad.


At Church

I was currently in the dance room with Alexa and we were putting on our scarfs and shoes.

Then we grabbed the flags and scarves and we walked out of the dance room and into the sanctuary.

We sat down at our usual seats and rest the flags down  we prayed and then we sat down as church filled up with members and followers and visitors.

One of the Ministers went up and started praying and members were praying as well then there was the welcome and then praise and worship in which we danced to.

After that it was a hymn then the solo and after the solo was the scriptumre then we went up and went in position with Aj.

After  dancing it was the worship through giving then the preaching.


After Church

I grabbed my dance bag took off my ballet shoes putting them in the bag with the scarf placing my sweater on.

I zipped up my bag and walked out the dance room to dad's jeep and then we were on our way home.

I went upstairs to my room as soon as we reached home and I went and changed plus I changed my sanitary pad.

I went downstairs and we had Sunday dinner prepared by dad from this morning so we ate and we talked.

Then I went upstairs to my room and I started to prepare for school tomorrow so I packed my bag and I got my uniform so dad can iron them.

" Micaì bring your uniforms so I can iron them baby girl " said dad.

" Coming now daddy " I said as I grabbed all my uniforms for Monday , Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

I went to the laundry room and I gave him my uniforms and he started to iron them one by one my dad van iron cause my uniform be press to perfection.

After he ironed my uniforms I hung them up  and I got my socks and underwear out for tomorrow.


Micaì period is ending soon

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