Chapter 29

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Today is Monday and dad woke me up and had me follow him to the dining room to do my online classes.

Since he told me from Friday that I wasn't going back to school in person until next year.

So I am currently sitting in the dining room on his laptop doing my classes online I did three assignments for maths that I had to do and one for english.

For history I had to do a project so she allowed me to do it on PowerPoint and I sent it to her via my email which was created for school purposes.

I was able to submit  all my assignments for today and I got all A's for them for them including the project.

After that I shut down dad's laptop and placed it in the sleeve and I carried it to him.

Then I went upstairs to my room and turned on my tv I decided to turn it to the cw because riverdale was on I got hooked on this series it's so good.

" Micaì  I need to put some ointment on your stomach you know the procedure I have to do this until the swelling goes down " said dad.

So I sit up and raised my shirt dad placed some ointment on his hand and rubbed it gently on the swelling.

" Thanks daddy I really appreciate you nursing me back to health " I said.

" Your welcome baby girl now you need to go back on the laptop and do the other assignments that are there" said dad.

"  Daddy I actually did the project and the three assignments  already  I have more to do" I said.

" Yes baby  girl  so come lets go to the dining room it's eleven in the morning you can do thpse assignments and be done then ypu can go back to watching tv " said dad.

I followed dad out my room and  downstairs in the dining room he opened his laptop and powered it on and logged in the passengers or pin is my birthday.

We went on my school site and on the online learning platform I had about five more assignments which was science, computer, literature and geography.

So I did my science assignment and then I did my computer assignment followed by my literature and geography assignment I was done by twelve so dad made me a sandwich with chips and apple juice .


The Next Day

Today was currently Tuesday and I was sleeping peacefully in my bed until I saw the scene where the girl pushed me and kept on kicking me.

" Stop stop stop stop stop " I said moving up in down trying to get her to stop kicking me little did I know that I was having a nightmare.

" Baby girl wake up your having a nightmare get up your ok" said dad.

I jump up and statyed crying dad had to get in the bed and hold me tight he kissed my forehead and wiped my tears away.

" Daddy she kept kicking me oh my goodness  it felt like I was having that bad day again I should have stayed in the cafeteria with Alexa and Braden" I said.

" Baby girl it's ok it was just a nightmare ok you will be okay alright if you want I will sleep in your room with you tonight " said dad.

" Please daddy I'm scared and it's like I have this nightmare from yesterday night when I went to bed " I said still in my daddy's arms.

"  Ok so go shower and put some clothes on  and I will have breakfast ready for you and your siblings " said dad.

He left my room and I got out of bed making up my bed then goimg in the bathroom and doing my usual hygiene.

After that  I walked back in my room and slipped on my underwear and I got a nike joggers with a nike shirt and some socks.

I put them on then I putmmy hair in a messy bun and grabbed my phone and went downstairs.

I went in the kitchen and sat down at ths island and dad placed my breakfast in front of me with a glass of apple juice.

The rest of my day I did assignments after assignments because my teachers needed grades for me they had grades for me alrwady don't get me wrong but they needed more assignments grades.

Then Marie and I had some bonding time with just us dad was in the studio writing new music with mom and my brothers were at school .


Dinner Time

We were currently having dinner as one big happy family and I felt better now than I was feeling this morning.

After dinner my brothers washed the dishes and mom went to help Marie get ready for bed.

I had already taken a bath so I took my hair out of the messy bun and I brushed my teeth and Ingot dressed and walked out my bathroom turning the lights off.

I walked in my room and dad came in and got in the bed I got in and laid my head on his shoulders and fell asleep.


Micaì started  having nightmares

Book 1 which is this book is coming to an end but there is a book 2

The next part will be a q&a I do well O woll be creating the questions

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Don't forget to read yall enjoy



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