Chapter 27

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I was so tired from spending the entire day with my mom yesterday yall currently I'm knocked out in the hotel room my mom has to go back tonight.

" Liyah baby girl come get up and go bathe your daddy is coming to get you soon " said mom.

" But mommy I'm sleepy really sleepy " I said cause I was sleepy very sleepy I had a lot of fun with my mom.

" Girl go in the bathroom and go bathe before your daddy comes cause he should be here any minute " said mom

I sleepily got up and went and took a shower then I dried off and I put my clothes dad packed for me on I brushed my teeth then I grabbed my bag and put my dirty clothes in it.

I went back on the bed and I fell asleep ya girl was sleepy and warned out from having fun with my mom.

" She had fun last night that's why she is so tired huh but I'll carry her to the car and she probably will get breakfast while we are in the car I got to go Walmart " said dad mom probably let him in just now.

Dad took my bag and he lifted me up I wrapped my legs around him and rest my head on his shoulder I was still sleepy ugh.

" Bye my sweet precious daughter mommy will see you when she can ok behave for your daddy " said mom.

" Bye mommy and I will behave for my daddy " I said as I yawned and went back to sleep.

" Ok baby girl if your daddy calls me you will know because it gon be ne and you" said mom.

So mom opened the hotel door and dad walked out with me and he went to the elevator and he pressed the button for the elevator to open.

When the doors finally opened he walked inside with me in his hands then he pressed the button for the lobby.

" Baby girl did you have fun with your mom yesterday because looked like you had fun since I'm carrying you and you forget to put your shoes on " said dad.

" Yes daddy I had fun and  we had a great time plus I enjoyed mom's company " I said .

The elevator  doors opened and dad walked out with me still in his hands and he walked out the hotel and took out his car keys and he opened the car and placed me in the passenger seat and he placed my shoes on then he put my bag in the backseat.

He closed the door and got in the driver's side and he started the car and pulled out the hotel parking lot.

I  got some sleep while dad was driving and I woke up when he stopped the car and opened my eyes and noticed that we were at Walmart.

So he got out the car then he helped out the car since I was slightly still in pain from the incident that happened three days ago.

We walked inside and dad grabbed a trolley and pushed it inside the store while I walked on the side of him.

" Micaì I need you to grab some apples and oranges with some grapes and make sure the grapes are good looking " said dad.

So I  grabbed a bag of apples and a bag of orange then I went and grabbed the bag of grapes what looked just right to me.

I found dad in the next isle getting bread so I placed all three fruits in the trolley and then dad sent me to get some  yogurt so I got like a pack of yogurt and milk cause we sure do nedd milk.

I walked back where dad was and placed them in the trolley and dad placed like four different cereals in the trolley.

Yall dad  has like four sons and two daughters so you knpw we don't eat the same thing he also got some chips and other snacks for us.

His Bahamian American Daughter 🇧🇸🇺🇸✔Where stories live. Discover now