Owl monsters part 1

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I'm currently rowing a boat in my own laughing tears
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
Few days later.

"I can't believe how you almost destroyed half the school!" Guz comments looking at the fallen building and screaming runaway students.

"I said I was sorry!" Luz replies. At least I didn't set this school on fire , flood the hallways or release the owls from the zoo to attack the teachers!"

"hey on the bright side Principal Bump was so impressed by my plant work he's switching me to the plant magic track! Willow announces happily.

"Whoo! Oh....What about Amity?" Luz asked.

"Last we saw, she was asking Bump if today could count as extra credit." gus replies.

"Well, I can't wait to see you in action next time I sneak in." Luz asks. This is way better than my old school."

"Uh, about that. You're kinda, sorta... banned." Gus apologizes.

"That's my girl! " Eda  said walking over to the group.

"But hey, we could come here and teach you what we learned." Willow offers to luz.

"Awwww thanks, That would be nice. But... I have a pretty great teacher already." Luz comments.

"Yeah, that's right. Luz is my student. Back off, academy twerps." Eda adds.

[all laughing]

"Ah, baby's first wanted poster. Good job, kid. You're rubbing off of me, Looks like I taught you something after all." Eda says holding up a poster with Luz looking like a fake abomination.


One week later.

( let's check on Luz's mother, she is running around town with several missing posters of Luz.

"Has anyone seen my adopted daughter!? She's 14 and 1/2 , I think she's gay or bisexual but we haven't had the talk yet!"


( back to the boiling isles . Time is midnight

Eda adds to another lesson. "If you want a witch's staff like mine, don't make me repeat myself. Witch's staffs have power embedded into them."

I want to try!

But before one is earned, every witch needs to know how to cast spells on their own. Now... [ Yeets the staff away] tonight I will show you how to create... light. [eda draws a circle by her finger in the air, which it glows and bursts out, leaves behind a light]

Luz gasps in excitement.

King Yawns "Who needs another boring spell lesson when you could be learning all the fun ways a demon could kill you. Look how teethy. Chomp ,chomp."

Be quiet. I need to focus and listen.

Eda adds. "Now, humans think magic is made out of thin air, but that's stupid. Everything comes from something. Let me ask you, kid. Where do you think magic comes from?

Luz answers. "Uh, from the heart?"

Eda: Actually, you're right.
Luz gasps in joy.

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