Failure to capture

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Eda sometimes forgets that Luz is her actual kid and We finally get to see belos
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
Meanwhile at the Emperor's Castle; Lilith approaches stained glass window of Emperor Belos]

Lilith spoke. "I haven't forgotten what you've promised me. I will bring you my sister, Emperor Belos."

Kikimora behind Lilith. Then why the delay?

Lilith turns around in surprise. Uh...Kikimora!

Kikimora announces. "The Day of Unity is fast approaching and other teams have bound many rogue witches to covens and yet,The Owl Lady still roams free. Are you...protecting her?"

Lilith comments. "Rest assured, Kiki. I have everything under control (snaps fingers and guards approach upon command). Today, we capture Eda, once and for all."


[Early hours in the morning, Hooty is asleep at The Owl House as Lilith and the guards wait for their attack].

Hooty asleep and snoring. Hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot...

Lilith from bushes outside of the house. Good. That infernal house demon is asleep. (beckons at the guards as they ready their weapons) Surround the house!

Hooty: Sleepwalking...sleepwalking (wakes up) Sleep-hooting! (smashes into the ground to reach Lilith's hiding spot) Hiya, Lilith! Peek-a-hoot! (Smashes Lilith into a tree as she grunts; guards charge forward) Sorry! Eda doesn't like trespassers but I'm always here to make new friends! Hoot! (bonks guard on the head and wears guard armour) Oh! Look at me! I'm a person now. Wobblety! Wobblety! Whoo! Watch out! (hits guard) Hoot! Hoot! (throws guard armour away!) Hoot! Hoot! Bye, friend! Ooo! I feel like dancing! (shakes body to hit the guards) Hoot!

Lilith grunts, stands up and picks up her staff to shoot magic towards Hooty.

Hooty bends down to the ground and unknowingly dodges Lilith's spell. Oh hey! Look it's a bug!

[The spell chops a tree down instead and falls towards Lilith; she dodges it by a bit and collapses on the ground]......Well at least things can't get any worse. ( a scratching post tree lands on Lilith ) "HOW MANY damn trees are going to land on me!"

Hooty sighs. Aww! Just an old leaf! Well...that's good too (eats leaf; making loud chewing noises)


[From inside The Owl House: Eda, who's wearing a yellow scarf, watches Hooty fighting the guards through her binoculars]

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[From inside The Owl House: Eda, who's wearing a yellow scarf, watches Hooty fighting the guards through her binoculars].

Eda laughs. " Hooty! Uh! You're a thorn in my side but you always dig your way into my heart."

Luz is intirgued by what's brewing in Eda's cauldron.
"Oooo...magic sketty (tries to touch it)

Hey! That sketty is Witch's Wool. It repels powerful spells. (grabs some of the wool into her hand) Every witch worth their salt has a cloak made from this stuff.

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