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• 40 • wake me up and pull me out

"so wake me up when it's all over,
when i'm wiser and i'm older,
all this time i was finding myself
and i didn't know i was lost." -AVICII

Nothing. Englufed my nothing and it felt genuine, a stress-free paradise. Like a happy place to go to when you feel awful. A place I'd like to go again.

Stay focused.

The phrase life flashing before my eyes never felt more real. My entire was moving backwards, fast, too fast to pause. From the conversation we had a few seconds ago to when I was thirteen starting baby fires in Tiara's room as a prank.

She'd flood my room after.

All memories- mainly the good ones, I guess the crystals are working- were shown backwards chronologically.

The memory of Tiara, Leia and I laughing while trying on dresses with Ruby in the royal boutique. Eden's and I sneaking out a night, flying then kissing in the blue biolumiecent meadow. Lunelle and I going downtown his village to the market place.

All recent memories: but then the old ones came in and it felt nogalistic.

Tiara and I hanging out in the City Square with Dylan after school.

Us going to the 'Golden City Performing Arts Theater' to watch ballerinas gracefully dance and perform, we were fifteen and sixteen. The images of their skirts moving with their body, elegantly like silk and they turns and leaped.

My first day of being in a higher grade. I had just turned eleven and entered a class of thirteen and fourteen year olds. Tiara, young and very skinny sat in the center of the class with her dark brown hair loosly braided back. The other students stared at me, I was nervous. I'm a prodigy, advanced for my age so they placed me with my older sister. I'd always been the youngest in my classes.

Pranking my mother with tiny trolls making a mess in the kitchen, I was around ten. She was unamused, it's not my first illusion prank and she's familiar with them by now. She looked around the kitchen with pericing aqua blue eyes, same as Tiara. My sister and I giggled from the stairs, the moment she saw us the illusions faded and she came  running up the stairs chasing us as we laughed hysterically.

The time a kid duplicated himself and surrounded me in the school playground, I was probably seven. I got mad pushed him into a tree which ended up falling. Him and his other bodies were fine.

Then the faded memories came: the ones where I was too young and it was too long ago that remembering it was a blur.

Seeing a dove fly through my bedroom window and sit right in front of on my desk while Tiara did her homework on my bed. "Look!" She picked her head up from her textbooks and stared in awe.

I became sad, I enjoyed the memories but reminising them made me long for that simpler time again.

Then, my mother was fixing a room up for me when I was left with her.

How did I end up with them?

I pushed further back the memories to a dark night. It was cool night, tightly wrapped in a blanket with a chain grapsed between my tiny fingers.

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