Chapter 60. The FDH.

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Quinton Newman (Rank Division 8)

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Quinton Newman (Rank Division 8)

*Time Jump. 6 Weeks After The Sickness. 2 months and 1 Week of Tryouts Remain*

I look over at Lena and fidget with my hands as Leonard pulls Remi closer to him at the lunch table. They apparently "retold" us about how their together but I don't remember any of that.

"So did Fallon ever find out who outted him?" Lena asks, running a hand through her hair. I fix my eyes on Zack who had sighed and rested his head on his head.

Zack gave up about hiding him and Fallon, which surprised me considering the fact that I genuinely thought that he was straight.

"Uhm.." Zack sighs, "no. We have no clue and-...and to be honest I'm terrified. I feel like his mom is going to kick him out but then again, as if being 'gay' wasn't enough of a disappointment of her child, being kicked out of Zelch and them being known as your kid, is worse."


"So he's staying for all I know." Zack sips his water. "It's been almost 2 months. I..yeah. He's fine. If his mom wanted to get him out, she would've. No doubt."

I clench my jaw as my eyes shift to Remi and Leonard. They were some what listening but mostly focusing on each other. Smiling and leaning into each other. They very much wanted to kiss, that I knew, but they didn't and kept trying to focus back onto Zack.

My forced smile fades as I look back at Lena. Her beauty overwhelms me and makes me immediately...mad. Mad about the night I went crazy and ruined our friend ship. Her beauty was the only thing I remembered so distinctly.

I swallow as I completely tune out Zack and fidget with my hands under the table.

*Flashback* Night of Sickness
"Quinton, I need you to calm down." Her hand hesitates before running itself through my hair. I had laid down and tried to stop shaking but I couldn't. I wanted my legs. I needed my legs.

I cross my arms on my chest and continue to try and stop shaking but it was too hard. "I can't.."

Lena sighs and continues running her hand through my hair, calming me down mentally. "Okay...what I..want you to do is try to sleep again. Are you cold or are you hot?"

Her voice was calm but I knew she was panicking just as much as I was. I look into her eyes and just as I expected and knew, it was full of panic.

"I'm both.." I admit shakily, not knowing what to do. I mean what can you do at that point?

She reluctantly nods. "Uhm.." she looks around and grabs the pill bottle, "while I take some out, you can take off your shirt. Just try to... balance everything out. Try and sleep naked if you have to. I just want you to stop shaking."

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