Chapter 61. A First to Platonic Kiss

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    Leonard Williams (Rank Division 11)"Babe I'm fine

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    Leonard Williams (Rank Division 11)
"Babe I'm fine." I force a chuckle as we head up the stairs. "It's not like I can control it or..anything."

"Okay maybe so, but fears? Lenny, you're going to be facing the one thing that can break you. I'm positive that you don't want to go through this." Remi says behind me.

"I don't. I really don't but guess what? It's part of Zelch and truth be told, I don't even know my biggest fear. Meaning it can't be that b-"

"People have had seizures..Len. People have had fucking seizures, heart attacks ; at 18, strokes and just anything possibly bad. It will be bad, you know that so stop acting like you aren't as scared as I am."

"You're right. I'm scared and we both know that, but I can't take the time to stress over it. You shouldn't either Em." I stop at my floor and take Remi's hand before continuing down the hall. "You should be, if anything, excited. You're going to see what your true dreams are."

"Oh please. I know it. It's simply making it to Zelch and eventually becoming a mentor. That's it."

"Trust me, it's not just that. Zelch isn't going show whatever everyone wants. They will find something else that you truly need. Something you dream of but not know."

"Come on, don't change the subject. I know you want to talk about this."

"Ugh but I don't Em." I open the door and drag her inside. "I want to hear about you and your dream."

"Which you aren't going to hear until you tell me about your fears. You can mentally prepare for this if you tell me what it really is Leonard." Just hearing my normal name was enough for me to know that she was serious.

She sits on my bed as I grab the water bottle from my table and chug it whole. She sighs and lays back, grabbing one of my pillows to hug into her arms.

"I just want to help you with stuff like this. I don't want to go into the testing room to see you...just...not who you are now."

"Come on..I'll be fine. Please don't worry about this. Instea-"

"I'll worry less if you just tell me your biggest fear."

I scrunch my eyebrows and toss the empty water bottle into the garbage can by my bed. I part my lips a little as I sit on the edge and move her legs onto my lap. I'm aware that there's more space on the bed but whatever.

"I really don't know," I chuckle, "I don't. I think right's.." I take sometime to think, but mind drifts to one man. The one and only man in my life that I'm suppose to look up to. "I think it would be"

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