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"Thank you all for coming here today, I'm excited to see many enthusiastic faces ready to learn ton of beautiful dances, but for the next few weeks we're gonna be focusing on an exquisite style that'll make you feel a burning passion and it's called salsa." A handsome dance instructor announced, his voice carrying through the large dance studio.

"My name is Mister Jeon Jungkook, and I'll be teacher all semester, please don't be afraid to ask for help with a dance move or for me to slow down. These steps can get insanely fast and undeniably tricky, but I'm a very patient man and I am here to make sure each one of you can master the dance by the end of the semester." The man greeted his class, clasping his hands together and flashing the students his wide bunny grin.

Jeon Jungkook is 26 year old dance instructor, his life long dream was to be seen all across well known theaters, name in big lights and have adoring fans dying at his feet but before his career even got the chance to take off he injured his ankle rendering him useless to the production he was casted in.

Jungkook recovered from his injury well but the fear of not succeeding again crippled him from trying to make his dream happen, so he applied to be a dance instructor and luckily colleges paid well so here he was. Two years into teaching art students the beauty of dance, he knew them all by heart since he had music in his bones and passion for movement.

Minutes after Jungkook introduced himself to his class he had all the students giving a small presentation about themselves, each one of them stating their names and the reason they were interested with dance in the first place, he wanted to know what drove them, and what inspired them.

Everything was fine, it was a normal class like always, nothing out of the ordinary so far until it was a tiny cutie's turn. Jungkook's mouth nearly hung open when a stunning male took the floor, with the softest voice spoke his name and it nearly made the dance instructor cry thinking he heard angels singing at the gates of heaven.

"My name is Park Jimin. I'm really glad to be here under your presence Mister Jeon Jungkook. You're an amazing dancer, I've seen a lot of your rehearsals on YouTube and I really hope to learn a lot from you." The small student exclaimed making his blonde hair cover his face as he bowed his head at Jungkook making it seem like he was meeting a king or a god.

The dance instructor was completely blown away, he's never seen anyone so damn gorgeous, sultry dark orbs, mesmerizing curves in all the right damn places. "How the fuck was he so innocent looking and fuckable at the same damn time?" Jungkook thought, unsure of how he'd be able to concentrate on teaching with this student here.

Jungkook wasn't a perv towards his students, he's never felt sexually attracted to anyone he's ever taught but there was something different about Jimin, something so tempting and he was feeling naughty tendencies flooding his brain when he gazed at the students body.

"Thank you Jimin, I look forward to teaching you a lot of different positions, I mean...moves." Jungkook announced, nearly choking on his own spit. He tried is best to tear his sharp eyes away from Jimin but he couldn't stop gawking at the students thighs that were in black tights, showing off how perfectly sculpted his lower body was.

There was an obvious tint of blush that filled up Jimin's chubby cheeks when he smiled shyly at Jungkook, he noticed how the dance instructor was checking him out and he was quiet flattered. Jimin had been obsessed with Jungkook since he was in high school, he was a big deal in Busan years back and Jimin has always looked up to him, admiring his dance style and wanting to be near him which is why he chose this college in particular.

"Okay, well I think it's time for us to start, let's get into pairs!" Jungkook said redirecting his attention back to his class, trying to distract himself from Jimin's beauty but no matter how hard he tried his eyes continued to find their way back to the that one particular student with heavenly features shine under the bright lights.

The class was made up of roughly 21 students, each one of them was finding a partner to being the lesson with and that's when Jungkook noticed that there was going to be one person without a partner. Jungkook's eyes watched everyone pair up, except for Jimin who was standing alone, too timid to ask his classmates to dance with him.

Jungkook usually didn't dance with his students, only if it was necessary but someone must've messed up in the admin department because he never had more than 20 students. Jungkook stepped forward, seeing that his chance to be closer to Jimin was just in arms reach and there was no way in hell he'd miss it.

"Do you mind me being your partner?" Jungkook asked Jimin, and the student was visible gulping hard, his adams apple quaking as he cleared his throat. He parted his pretty plump lips, wanting to say yes but nothing came out so he nodded instead and held onto Jungkook's hand that was waiting in the air for him to take.

Jimin's heart nearly stopped when he placed his tiny hand on Jungkook's bigger one, instantly feeling his dance teacher tug on his arm, twirling him around the shiny marble flooring before colliding their bodies along each others. "Oh my god, he's so beautiful up close." Jungkook internally thought.

Their lips were only a few inches away from each others, a nice distance were if one of them happened to move just a little than they'd be brushing their mouths against one anothers. Jungkook set his hand on Jimin's slim waist, his slender lips forming a smirk as he glanced down at the student who only stared up with his big, round beautiful brown eyes.

Jimin felt his entire face turn red, a hot, burning, flushing sensation set into his chest and rose up into his cheeks and he couldn't handle the stares from the handsome older anymore. So he peeled his eyes away and watched the ground as Jungkook continued on holding him close, refusing to let him go and gripping his waist even more tighter than before.

"Now usually this dance is between men and a women but lets be honest men also look good together, don't they Jimin?" Jungkook questioned flashing a mischievous grin down at his tiny student, his fingers imbedding deep into the small of Jimin's back making him gasp and stare back up to lock eyes again.

Jimin was starting to put the clues in sequence now, Jungkook was being a little too obvious, hinting that he was just as gay as he was, and if Jimin wasn't mistaking it was starting to seem like Jungkook had a liking for him. Jimin couldn't deny how bad he was crushing on Jungkook as well, and even if he was nervous he was elated to be partners with Jungkook.

"Alright students, the partner you have now will be your partner for the test of the semester. I will not tolerate complaints about wanting to switch or trade. You're stuck with each other the entire time so I hope you all can learn to get along with one another." The dance instructor proclaimed letting go of Jimin to correct everyone's postures.

Jimin idly watched Jungkook tell the other students to lift their arms higher, motioning for them to get closer to their partner and moving to set the music one getting everyone feeling the rhythmic beats in their blood.

Jungkook observed the students freestyle with each other until he moved to stand in front of Jimin again. "Ready to dance?" Jungkook questioned smiling down at Jimin and the smaller male was nodding eagerly.

"Please, take my body and lead the way mister Jeon." Jimin whispered back an intoxicating mix of sweet innocence and naughty desire behind every word and Jungkook's heart skipped a beat, craving to feel Jimin dance on his masculine body already.

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