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~ two years ago ~

"Mr Jeon Jungkook, the x-ray shows that your foot and ankle are both fractured. The reason you are in this substantial amount of pain is because there is a crack along your talus bone that radiates up to the fibula. Upon examining the images it was obvious that before you broke it you were already experiencing severe stress along the first and second metatarsals." The doctor informed the distressed dancer.

Jungkook was sitting on the exam table, with his foot elevated in the air and his heart dropping low in beats as he heard the news. "What? It's fixable right? I can just get some surgery today to repair it and I'll be good as new by next week right?" Jungkook questioned frantically. The dancer was glancing at the doctor with hopeful eyes, even though he knew it was pointless because he didn't need to go to medical school to realize that the recovery wasn't going to be quick.

"I'm going to be very honest with you Mr Jungkook." The doctor exclaimed taking a seat in the rolling stool and scooting closer to the young male that had tears in his eyes, from the pain but also from the knowledge over what was about to be told to him. "This is gonna take a few months to heal, that means no walking on it, no running and absolutely no dancing." The doctor verbalized making Jungkook let his tears fall endlessly.

"No, there has to be something we can do please! I'm supposed to flying back to Spain next week, I have the lead role in Don Quixote, this could really expand my career I can't give this up! Please say it's not true!" Jungkook cried. His fists were balling up the white bedsheets of the hospital bed, devastated over the situation, but more at himself for pushing his limits to the point where his body literally broke down on him and retaliated for rest.

Jungkook knew about the pain, he's been living with it and fighting it as it worsened over the past few months. The dancer was glaring at his swollen foot for causing him this much trouble and accepting the fact that he wasn't indestructible even if he was young. The throbbing was faint at the moment, but with the pain medications given to him it was hardly noticeable making Jungkook believe that the fracture was an exaggeration.

"I'm sorry that you have to go through this. I've seen some of your shows before, you are very talented I must admit, but once you're fully rested and healed you'll be able to dance again. Now, I'll have the nurses come in and place a cast on so you can be on your way." The doctor said nicely, he placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder and gave him a comforting squeeze before departing out of the room and leaving the dancer to wallow to the heartbreak.

Roughly 6 months passed and Jungkook was finally able to get back to some parts of his normal life like before, he wasn't wearing a cast or a boot anymore, and he had been attending his physical therapy sessions regularly like his doctor advised. It's been stressful though because Jungkook had been avoiding exercises which wasn't great for his mental health, he was agitated all the time, and bitter to everyone that he encountered.

"You are good as new now Jungkook, are you going to be getting back into dancing now? My husband took me to see your swan lake show and I was so moved, your ballet skills are really unmatched." The friendly female physical therapist questioned the patient as she examined his ankle and rotated it noticing that he was no longer bothered by it. Jungkook was lying on his back, he scoffed out at the mention of the dance that lead him down his road.

"I don't know, and don't talk to me about dancing. That's the last thing I wanna think about." Jungkook spoke up, his tone was harsh and hateful, but the doctor was used to it. She recalled the first day the patient came to her and compared to today he was much more aggressive and frustrated back then. The rest of the session was silent while Jungkook pondered endlessly over the woman's words.

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