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Jungkook's eyes were attentively taking in Jimin's facial features, every detail of him was perfect from the pout that was on his pretty full lips to his lovely round brown eyes that were glossy from crying over their argument. Jimin was flawless in Jungkook's vision, he was the epitome of true beauty, and his precious heart with caring nature made him the ideal partner, the person Jungkook's always been wishing he had in his life.

Jungkook understood that Jimin was just trying to help him out of his stubborn ways and he appreciated it because he's never encountered anyone to care this much about his dreams. No one has ever been this persistent, this egressive in making him reconsider and it was a nice change. Jungkook felt loved in Jimin's arms, cared for under his presence and he didn't want this feeling to ever fade.

With a heavy sigh Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jimin's small waist more tightly and slouched his body back against the couch to sit more comfortably. Jimin didn't notice the tears forming in Jungkook's eyes at first because he had them closed, like he was thinking about what to say, how to respond and when he opened them again he blinked and endless tears began to fall down his cheeks.

Jungkook parted his mouth to speak, his eyes staring into Jimin's deeply, finding the courage to finally tell the younger something he's never told anyone. "I tried to get back into ballet after my injury. I attempted it because I wanted to do what I used to love most in the world but it didn't feel the same Jimin. My body didn't move the way I wanted it to, I was stiff, I felt so out of practice and it was so fucking humiliating." Jungkook told Jimin.

Jimin could see Jungkook struggling, his face was contorted like he was in pain, but he was though, it wasn't on the outside it was internally because he was confessing his darkest feelings. Jimin was silent, all he did was continue listening to Jungkook speak while he took it upon himself and began rubbing at his chest soothingly. It was working because Jungkook's voice wasn't shaky anymore.

"Of course I wanna dance again but I'm scared Jimin. It's been so difficult to say that out loud, to admit that I'm the only one standing in my own way but it's the truth and it's about time I own up to it I guess." Jungkook frowned. He disliked the feeling of being vulnerable, of someone giving him the pitiful look that Jimin was giving him because he's never been seen that way. Jungkook's always been fortunate and this was new to him.

"I don't wanna partake in anything that has to do with ballet because I'm terrified that I won't be the same great dancer as before. People will talk, they'll judge and I can't handle that, I'm too shattered on the inside. I'll end up being hard on myself, pushing myself to unhealthy limits, breaking myself in the process to become better like I did before and I don't wanna do that, what if I hurt myself again?"

Jimin watched the torment fall from Jungkook's eyes, the tears were tumbling down fast along his flushed face, so he took his cute small hand and wiped the salty droplets away. He had vowed to Jungkook that he'd always be there to make him feel better, to make him happy with either his words or his body because he wanted to give him all the love and support that he needs. It is exactly what Jimin was doing right now and Jungkook liked it.

"I understand your fears mister Jeon." Jimin expressed. He gently stroked Jungkook's raven hair back, leaving a sweet kiss on his forehead and making his eyes flutter shut. "But it will cost you nothing to dream and everything not to." Jimin whispered and Jungkook's eyes fluttered open again, they were wide as he backed his head away from the younger to see his lovely plump lips curving up in a genuine smile getting his cheeks all rosy.

"You told me that it was your favorite quote four years ago and it helped me through my fears when it came to dancing in public. I couldn't tell anyone, I couldn't tell my parents that I wanted to ballet but after meeting you and hearing those words I broke out of my shell. So, I thought that I would remind you of it, hoping that it'll help you through your current fears mister Jeon." Jimin exclaimed.

Dance Entanglement || JikookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon