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A week went by and Jungkook hadn't seen Jimin in his class anymore, he figured that the pretty little male was too embarrassed to show his face around him now considering the unexpected but amazing blow job that happened recently. Jungkook hated himself for loving it so much, he'd think back to the moment almost every hour.

Jungkook couldn't lie that he felt like shit for making such a beautiful person like Jimin feel bad about what he did, but it was wrong, if the directors of the college found out then he'd be fired in a heartbeat and this was the only way Jungkook could dance his heart out. "Fucking Jimin, where are you?" He questioned angrily.

The class had just about started and since the number of students were even he was now left partner-less, missing Jimin's body on his even if he only experienced it once he wanted more of him. Jungkook just couldn't shake the thought of Jimin away, his plump lips or his sweet kisses, it replayed all in his mind, driving him insane and desperate for him.

Half way through the class and Jungkook was directing a few students on their posture when he heard the doors open, he instantly glanced over and his eyes were blesses when they landed upon Jimin wearing spandex shorts and a over tight fitted yellow t-shirt making him look tinier than usual, innocent and yet so fucking sinful.

"S-sorry mister Jeon, for being late." Jimin whispered but it was barely audible past the loud music blasting around the studio. Jungkook huffed out and moved to stand in front of the student that would meet eyes with him, the pretty soft brown orbs were on the floor under him as he shifted from side to side, not knowing what else to say.

"It's fine, stay after if you can so we can cover what you missed. Now put yours stuff down and let's practice some spins and turns." Jungkook commanded coldly before storming away from the student to resume instructing the others. Jimin frowned, he did as he was told and waited in the middle of the studio for Jungkook to dance with him.

Jimin didn't think Jungkook would be acting this way, he honestly thought that he did something right by giving him time away from him to get over their sexual incident but as they danced and moved against each other throughout the class Jimin could feel the tension. It was awkward as hell and Jimin hated how Jungkook wouldn't even look at him at all.

"Mister Jeon, I really am sorry." Jimin whispered but Jungkook just hummed the music and ignored him, he continued on moving his feet and swaying to the music. The student noticed that his instructor's movements were different this time though, Jungkook wasn't holding him with passion like the first day, and he was spinning him and tugging on him roughly like he was a doll.

It was taking all of Jungkook's strength to not stop the class and kiss Jimin's lips, apologize to him for being a jerk and fuck him over his desk but he couldn't and that shit killed him internally. Jungkook frowned and let out a frustrated groan, he let go of Jimin's waist and moved toward the middle of the studio, pretending to examine the other students while his eyes lingered on Jimin standing alone.

"Everyone, work on independent moves, try hands free on your own for the remainder of the class." Jungkook grumbled, moving away from the studio and walking towards his office in search for his water bottle. He could see Jimin in the mirrors though, his tiny self was practicing his steps, his head hung low not letting Jungkook see the sullen expression on his face.

Class was soon over, all the students had already dispersed and all that was left was Jimin and Jungkook in the studio. "I don't have a class after this, so I can stay for however longer you need me too." Jimin mumbled, pout on his lips and his hands gripping at the hem of his t-shirt as he waited for instructions from his handsome instructor.

Jungkook couldn't get enough of Jimin, no matter how hard he tried, no matter how much he put the idea in his own mind that a relationship with a student was not something he needed he could not for the life of him get Jimin out of his mind. Everything the pretty male did was so sexual, the way he danced around the floor, the manner in which he carried himself made Jungkook feel like his heart was on fire.

"I, I can't do this Jimin but I can't be away from you either." Jungkook confessed watching how his student's eyes lit up like fireworks at the realization that his instructor was just as crazy for him as he was. "We shouldn't do this, but I can't help but want you, your kisses and your body." Jungkook claimed taking a step forward to place himself in Jimin's personal space.

"I just wanna make you happy, please use me. Use me when you're lonely, use me when you are aroused and have no one to fuck, I wanna be yours so bad mister Jeon." Jimin expressed, his words were erotic as hell but his voice was gentle and endearing and Jungkook's body was reacting involuntary, he could feel himself becoming stiff just watching the pretty student talk.

Jungkook let out a raspy chuckle, he gripped onto Jimin's wrist and dragged him towards the mirrors turning him around so that he could look at himself in the mirror as he moved to stand behind him. "You're so fucking slutty, you have no self respect. Do you go around sucking all your professors and instructors' dicks?" Jungkook questioned coldly watching Jimin flinch when he raised his voice.

Jimin shook his head, his eyes forming tears as he looked at his own flushed face in the mirror refusing to meet with his instructors angry gaze. "N-no. Only you mister Jeon. Please believe me, I only wanna do this with you." Jimin whimpered letting his tears fall down his face in shame. It was true though, the thought of letting a college faculty touch him sexually was never his goal.

But when Jimin met Jungkook last week the instructor brought out an awakening in him that he didn't think was possible. That day Jimin had just wanted to get extra dance lessons from Jungkook, he never imagined that he'd be sexually attracted to him or slobbering all over his cock like he did but he couldn't help but crave more now.

Jungkook could see Jimin squirm against the mirror, his hands were planted on the bar, gripping tightly and biting on his bottom lip. "What exactly do you want me to do to you then Jimin? A naughty boy like you doesn't deserve anything but a spanking for making me so fucking hard last week. Like the sound of that? Want me to spank you baby?" Jungkook uttered leaning in to press his mouth on Jimin's ear.

Jimin nodded, he moaned out softly feeling Jungkook's breath tickle his skin, the sensation creating an arousal within him. "Yes, do anything you want to me mister Jeon, spank me, hit me, anything please. I just want you to be happy." Jimin mewled, throwing his head back and letting Jungkook graze his mouth over his neck.

Jimin was shaking at the unfamiliar touches along his soft delicate skin, Jungkook was running his tongue along his neck and up his ear as his big hands moved from his hips to trail under his shirt causing for him to pant and moan out even more desperately. Fingertips were grazed over his hard nipple and Jimin's manhood was swelling up in his spandex shorts now.

"Keep calling me mister, I like the way you say it, sounds so fucking dirty." Jungkook commanded, smirking at Jimin's reflection that was nodding and fluttering his eyes open to show off the lust swimming in there. Jimin was happy to comply and satisfy his instructor with all the wishes he threw his way.

"O-okay, mister Jeon."

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