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Moments after consuming their delicious meal and talking about the small details over how their day went Jungkook had his large body was hovering over the sink, presoaking the plates and the utensils with the intent to place them in the dish washer so the machine could do the rest of the work.

The dance instructor had left Jimin on the couch to watch anything he pleased on the TV but the smaller male was quietly roaming around the living room instead, examining the photo frames on the wall wanting to know more of Jungkook's personal life.

Jimin was on his tippy toes, his eyes had fallen over a photo of Jungkook at a much younger age, teenager years to be precise and the picture was of him being hugged tightly by two older people. A woman with familiar sparkling doe eyes and a man with a very identical grin, it was clear that it was Jungkook's parents and the happy family were standing at the beach, but the scenery behind them was unrecognizable to Jimin.

Young Jungkook appeared so carefree and exceptionally content with life because there were crinkles above his large nose and the side of his closed eyes. His skin was a couple of shades darker than what he was right now and his hair was a light shade of brown with auburn highlights in them which made Jimin chuckle and smiling hard at how handsome his dance instructor had always been.

Jungkook was drying his hands on the small kitchen towel when he glanced over to see that Jimin was not sitting on the couch anymore but standing cutely with a pout on his lips as he studied over the evidence of his life on the walls. Jimin was really into the different photos, and it was clear that Jungkook was worldly because none of them were taken in Korea but other countries.

"My father was a diplomat so I lived most of my youth in different parts of the world, I saw so many great cities, met tons of nice people, learned a few languages and witnessed beautiful dances." Jungkook spoke up from behind, startling Jimin when soft lips touched his ears and strong hands gripped at his tiny waist.

The fright only lasted two seconds though because being in Jungkook's arms was a safe place for the younger. "That's really amazing, that explains why you're teaching intro to world dance and not the b word dance." Jimin said getting Jungkook to let out a laugh before spinning him around so that they could meet eyes, the smaller males back was pressed against the wall, his love-stricken eyes taking in his dance instructor in a different light, he appeared less tense, more relaxed and more open. 

"Yes that is exactly why. Living in a country where no one else speaks your language is terrifying, but with dancing, words don't need to be exchanged for you to communicate your story. You can tell a lot about someone by the way they dance, their moves and their rhythm, so I made it my mission to educate myself on the traditional dances and the culture no matter where we were living in." Jungkook expressed.

There was a noticeable light in the dance instructors eyes as he spoke about his love for dancing. so Jimin took Jungkook's hand and dragged him towards the couch and made him sit. Jungkook was confused but before he could question it Jimin straddled his lap, his round bottom perfectly over his crotch and his adoring eyes on him. "Tell me all about it please mister Jeon." The smaller said getting comfortable.

Jungkook chuckled and placed his hands over Jimin's perky ass making himself cozy as well. "We were in China when I was 6, I participated in the dragon dance at my school festival, then when I was 9 we were in the states where I took contemporary dance lessons after school." Jungkook carried on and he hadn't even noticed how he was going into so much detail, telling Jimin about his youth, trusting him with his life story.

Jimin was attentively listening, multitasking actually because as his dance instructor spoke and smiled the entire time he was admiring how Jungkook didn't realize himself that the fire within him had never died, he just needed a special person to bring it out of him. "When I was 15 we lived in Puerto Rico and that's where I learned salsa, and tons of other Caribbean dances." Jungkook said.

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