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Seokjin and Namjoon were completely silent as they watched Jimin and Jungkook gaze into each other's eyes. The younger's expression was desperate, his brown orbs were pleading for the older to not separate from him.

Seokjin didn't like it, to him Jimin was his kid brother who needed to be protected from strange predators but Namjoon didn't think that way, because he was focused on Jungkook's hopeful eyes, something he didn't carry two years ago.

"No wait, please both of you, stay. Jin, baby that wasn't really nice, apologize because you know Jimin is right. You can't keep acting like he's the 14 year old you left behind when you went off to college. He's a mature, functioning adult, he can make his own decisions and sadly you have no say in what's going on between them." Namjoon told his boyfriend who was frowning and rolling his eyes at the true statements.

Seokjin did what Namjoon suggested and reluctantly Jimin and Jungkook took a seat again, they were hungry which was the only reason they chose to keep the couple company. They ordered their meals and continued to sit in silence, Jimin had his fingers intertwined with Jungkook's under the table, feeling calm from the warmth of his palm and wishing he could satisfy his hunger with his lover's kisses.

"So, onto some better topics, there is a new production in the works and yours truly is the gonna be the main producer leading it." Namjoon exclaimed happily, getting Seokjin to come out of his funk from the amazing news that was just brought to his attention right now.

"Really baby, that's so great!" Seokjin stated wrapping his arms around his lover and kissing his cheek to congratulate and show him so proud he was of him for finally being given a good opportunity.

"Yeah, the executive producer was requesting fresh ideas, so I partnered up with Min Yoongi, one of the screenwriters, and together we came up with this immaculate story. He's a freaking genius and I'm so excited to see our vision come to life because it's gonna have same-sex love relationships, tragedies, passion and a mind blowing ending." Namjoon announced with pride of the story to be told.

"Wow really, are you able to tell us what the story is about yet?" Jimin questioned wanting more details. He hadn't even noticed that he was squeezing Jungkook's hand tightly but he was thoroughly interested in Namjoon's play and he was hoping that it could be something that his dance instructor could get himself involved in. Jimin wanted to see Jungkook taking the stage confidently again, to see him shining like the star he was.

"Well I can't say too much, but it's a ballet. A young space navigator with nowhere to call home crash lands on a planet after being attacked. He is given refuge but then once their monarch is discovered dead he is put on trial where he is interrogated by the prince himself. He ends up falling in love with the stranger though, unable to execute him like his people command. The two flee the planet, soaring through space with a bounty on their heads for treason."

Namjoon had his dimples showing, grinning widely at the idea that had him and Yoongi sleeping late trying to perfect it. "Now for the rest you'll just have to watch because I don't wanna spoil it. I'm gonna start the casting soon though, what do you say Jeon? Wanna give it a try? You'd be really great for the space navigator role, he's strong, brave and adventurous." Namjoon suggested hoping that the once great dancer would agree.

Jimin, Seokjin and Namjoon all redirected their attention towards Jungkook who was accepting the hot meal that was coming their way. "No offence Namjoon, it sounds like a great storyline and I can see the props, the costumes and your vision already. I'm sure it'll be a hit but I have no interest in dancing anymore. Thank you for the consideration though, I wish you all the best." Jungkook said, moving his gaze to the food.

"What? No, you have to mister Jeon." Jimin insisted. Jungkook could see that there was a pout on his small lovers lips, a look of betrayal in his lovely eyes. Jimin truly thought that Jungkook would've given a different response, but clearly he had no idea just how wounded his dance instructor really was and how much the idea of dancing ballet again terrified him. There was too much pain behind his story and he didn't want to relive it.

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