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With a skip in his step Jimin was scurrying off to the dance studio earlier than he was supposed to be there, but he wanted to see Jungkook again, have a little alone time with him and feel his lips on his body before the other students rolled in. "Hi mister Jeon!" Jimin cheered happily when he approached Jungkook's office to see him looking through some papers in a folder.

Jungkook was startled by the harmonical tone the pretty student voice sounded like, but his shoulders tensed and his lips formed a smile when he looked over to see Jimin standing cutely at the doorway. "How are you, did you sleep well? You look so handsome today. Did you eat already?" Jimin ranted on, bombarding his instructor with his billions of thoughts and questions.

A chuckle escaped out of Jungkook's mouth, "I'm great now that you're here." The older said with his eyes trialing all over Jimin's plump lips. He stood up from behind his desk to approach the smaller male who's tiny figure was practically squirming in the black tights he was wearing as he gawked over his instructors exposed arms, his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows to show off his the veins along his forearms.

Jungkook pulled Jimin by the hand to have him further inside his office and closed the door behind him. The distance between them became almost nonexistent and Jimin nearly fainted when his instructor gave him a passionate kiss with lots of tongue but then parting too quickly. "Mister Jeon I missed you so much last night." Jimin breathed out, biting on his bottom lip wishing it was Jungkook's teeth on him instead.

"Yeah, did you baby?" Jungkook questioned leaning back in again to lick at the outline of Jimin's lips, running his tongue along the top one before inserting it deep in his students warm mouth again. Jimin released his hold on his belongings, letting them fall to the ground as he reached up and ran his fingers in between the older males raven locks.

"Why were you thinking about me at night baby?" Jungkook questioned when he parted, his mouth didn't completely remove itself from Jimin's body though. He was grazing his lips over Jimin's neck, enjoying the taste of his students warm flushed skin on his tongue as he nipped at it, sucked on it and tired his best not to leave a giant purple hickies on his student like he wanted to.

"I was thinking about all the things we've done so far, wondering if one day we can go even further. I'm willing if you want to mister Jeon, don't worry about hurting me, I can take it, for you I can endure whatever you throw at me." Jimin moaned out, huffing uncontrobablly when Jungkook took his large hands and squeezed at his squishy ass cheeks.

Jungkook didn't respond, he was too immersed in listening to the whimpers leaving Jimin's lips, too lost in the feeling of his little students body pressed against his. Of course he has been thinking about penetrating Jimin, being inside of him and making him cry over how hard he was fucking him but whenever he stopped and rationalized it he felt guilty, thinking that he was taking advantage of the young male.

Annoyed that his conscious was getting in the way Jungkook parted from Jimin again and moved to have the door wide open. "W-what, but we still have time before class starts." The student mentioned frowning sadly when Jungkook ignored him and walked back to his desk to click at his computer. "Mister Jeon are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?" Jimin questioned.

"No, Jimin. I just remembered that I needed to respond to some faculty emails, just go practice outside until the other students get there. Do any type of dance you want." Jungkook commanded coldly. He could see from the corner of his eyes that Jimin hesitated for a brief second, but it was him that said he wanted to make him happy, so the student did as he was told without protesting. 

"This is insane, what the hell are you doing with him Jeon? If someone fucking sees, if someone catches a whiff of the things you've done to him then you'll be fucking fired!" Jungkook scolded himself, angrily hiding his face in his palms, rubbing at how flushed he had gotten when Jimin was kissing him back, his tongue sliding over his and his hands eagerly touching his larger body. 

The frustration in Jungkook came to a pause though when piano music started to play in the dance studio, it was a familiar tone, one that he admired the most, the same song that would get him in the right headspace to dance the beautiful art of ballet. Jungkook got up to stand at his office door, surprised when he found Jimin with his feet in first position, before dipping into a flawless pile. 

Jungkook stood motionless, idly watching Jimin begin to use the entire studio, his footwork technique was beautiful, it needed work of course but there was no doubt in the dance instructors mind that the young student had been practicing diligently. Jimin's tiny figure did a pirouette, and it was gorgeous in Jungkook's eyes, the way his blonde hair spun with him was angelic like. 

Jimin's feet delicately moved around the empty studio, his eyes were shut as he let himself become lost in the music, and let his inner love for the dance guide his every move. Jungkook felt his eyes water, his heart pounding forcefully analyzing Jimin, and observing the deep concentration on his face as he did a high saute, jumping into the air and demonstrating how spectacular his split leap was.  

The dance instructor was in a trance, his eyes were taking in every inch of Jimin's body, from the way his thigh muscles flexed under his black tights to the way he adjusted his hands and wrist, using them perfectly to convey the story behind his dance. Jungkook has never been at a loss for words before, but he was now, because Jimin was overflowing with talent, he movements were fluid, natural and beautiful. 

Jimin's dancing came to a hold when his eyes fluttered open to see the reflection of Jungkook staring right at him. The dance instructor had a stain of blush on his cheeks and Jimin couldn't help but smile at the vision of his softer side, but as he got closed his face started to change, almost like was angry. "Why are you here Jimin? Why are you not in a dance academy?" Jungkook questioned roughly gripping onto Jimin's arms. 

There was so much protentional in Jimin and it enraged Jungkook that he wasn't taking advantage of it. Jimin simply smiled though, his pretty brown eyes disappearing behind his cute fluffy cheeks that were pinkish. "I came here because of you mister Jeon." Jimin stated causing for his teacher to relax his expression into a confused one, he was stunned and not expecting for that answer to leave his students mouth.

"When I heard that you would be teaching at this college and not actually dancing I took the class to be with you." Jimin expressed opening his eyes to see his instructors searching for words to say but all he could do was ask why. "Because I love you, you inspired me to dance, you brought this hidden fire out of me and I hate that the same fire you had in you died." Jimin exclaimed fondly. 

Jungkook scoffed and released his hold on Jimin. "You cant love me, you don't even know me!" He barked back not understanding his students confessions. "I've know you for four years mister Jeon. I attended your Swan Lake show here in Seoul, you signed my program and I feel in love with you since then." Jimin proclaimed proudly. 

Jungkook paused to recall, he's had hundreds of people wanting his attention but when as he gazed at Jimin a little more closely he knew that he had seen those beautiful eyes before. "Why would you want to follow me and not your dreams? I don't understand that, it's fucking stupid." Jungkook spat harshly, but no matter what he said Jimin continued on grinning at him with his eyes practically shaped like enormous hearts. 

"I'm here to learn from you mister Jeon. I want you to show me all that you know about ballet, please." Jimin pleaded clinging onto the older male strong arms and closing the distance between and hopping up on his toes to kiss Jungkook's lips until the instructor took a step back and shook his head. "I don't teach that. I haven't danced ballet in two years and I don't intend on dancing it ever again." Jungkook professed. 

Jimin's eyes released giant tears that were rapidly streaming down his face, "Please mister Jeon! It's the only thing I ask of you, you can do all that you want to me but please give me this one thing." Jimin continued on begging, falling to his knees and gazing up at Jungkook hoping to reach past the stubborn part of him but the older male couldn't grant him that request. "I said no Jimin."

Jungkook watched as Jimin cried into his palms, he was still on the studios polished floor sitting up on his knees. Jungkook sighed and extended his arm out to stroke Jimin's blonde hair, agitated that the pretty student was getting worked up over something that he thought was nothing. "Please reconsider, please help me be just like you mister Jeon." Jimin sniffled, swinging his arms around to cling and hug Jungkook's legs. 

"I'm sorry Jimin but that person you saw four years ago, that dancer that you say inspired you, well, sadly that's just not me anymore."

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