40 - Ultimate being

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Cat ears were sensitive, they tickled and it was a bit overwhelming to be stroked behind the ears, and having a tail made the back just a bit above it turn into yet another spot that was just dangerous when stroked and Ian knew it. Nelly could feel with her body just how well he understood and adored cats and knew for sure that if she got these ears and tail as a permanent part of her body then--

She would become the ultimate being.

Whispurrs, Lacrimosa, Steions, Werecats, Totem contractors, regular cats, etc. - no one, exactly no one, would be able to lead Ian's eyes astray.

So, 6:30 AM, while Chilli was keeping watch so Ian doesn't wake up, Nelly was in the bathroom holding on to a wisp and asking in a low voice - "How do I make these permanent and not lose them after transforming?"

[You can either learn to shape-shift, a rune would be the fastest way or an artifact] was what the wisp said in an equally low voice.

Artifacts could be lost, knowledge would be more lasting. Aether had knowledge of one detail - Clestromantis eggs were very valuable and she and Ian were now strong enough to eat those and they would be going on a hunt-- "If we eat a Clestromantis, can you take the eggs?"

The request was too complex so Nelly had to call for a mid-grade wisp.

"Does this need to be a secret from Ian?" Purple asked.

"Dunno, but he's sleeping," Nelly said.

"Ah, alright," Purple said, then gave instructions - eat the Clestromantis then slip Chilli in the room with eggs, if Chilli summons a wisp, then he can take them, Purple also named three locations with nesting Clestromantis - if they succeed with two out of three, then that would be enough to get Nelly a high-grade rune for shape-shifting which would teach her how to get cat ears and tail. As long as she consumes it while high on aether and in astral shape, she would not need to sleep it off to learn.

Nelly put her hand on Purple's head. Purple looked a bit awkward about having her hand on his head when he was in the shape of a 17-year-old male.

Purple sighed. "Aether for breakfast?"

Nelly nodded and felt around a quarter of it drain. Perks of being stronger. She couldn't wait to be even more so.

"Take my hand next time, please," Purple said, Nelly nodded and Purple disappeared.


Ian woke up half from feeling something missing and half from the scent of coffee, but Nelly came back just as he opened his eyes and got back in the bed to share breakfast with him.

"So," Nelly said. "I found out three locations for nesting Clestromantis, when we go hunt, let's get them."

"Purple?" Ian checked. Well, those were filling and good prey, so he could understand.

Nelly nodded. "Purple said that Chilli needs to squeeze in the place of the eggs and call wisp there, then he can take them."

"Roger!" Chilli said.

Eggs. "Is that the payment for learning where nesting Clestromantis are?"

"No," Nelly replied. "The eggs are valuable, I wanna sell them to get a rune for a shape-shifting skill so I can always have cat ears and tail."

Ahh-- well, mhm, figures Nelly would understand how much he liked them and Nelly liked being liked and was straightforward about it. Ian decided to just accept it as a blessing and go along with it.

They had a delicious breakfast, hunted a bit on the way, learned how to use the custom mold and getting the right flasks only took them to pour in some sugar then apply seals. Kenneth suggested to just fill them with pure honey if he wanted a high concentration aether essence for personal use and to stop infusing aether when the honey started letting out light. He also said they could borrow storage artifacts for the aether essences. And they hunted with no issue all day long.

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