89 - Side-story, Flinn back to work (Flinn's POV)

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A month had passed and Flinn returned to work, Carter let him know that - a)he was not fired, b)that they'll all gang up and beat him up if he doesn't come back to work.

Guess it was good to be loved--

Flinn looked amused as he put away his phone.

Chen was in her dustbun shape and floating behind him with her elbows leaning on his shoulders and Flinn was now-- unbelievably hot. He had had no idea that his frame and his bone structure and everything that made him up could form a person this attractive, had his parents and him been just-- perfectly healthy.

That was it.

He hadn't become a different person, he had merely returned to be twenty-five in appearance and lost all asymmetrical bits, and had positively shocked Knox and Ian by reaching legendary rank in a skill called Appraisal.

It was a skill, he overheard, would make any alchemist turn green in envy, but-- to him, it was just a skill that made sex about a thousand times better, Flinn had no idea it could be this good-- he could become one hell of a gigolo, but--


He'd rather just be a Police guy who happens to be god-tier in bed and Chen understood him completely, because her calling was to be a 'family member' under which lay the following duties - protect the family, clean and maintain the house, get a lot of skinship with family and any skill she got was used for that purpose.

And in his case--

Appraisal enhanced his senses a lot and it was never a bad thing for a policeman to have a good nose, good ears, an eye for details-- but there was one thing that would soon prove why Kenneth's words of - 'I wonder how long you'll last' ring true - Flinn didn't need to have a taste, he could smell from the takeaway coffee cups a lot his colleagues had brought in before starting the day. Everything he used to eat would taste like trash and to prove the point--

"Want one?" Carter offered, holding out a box of the donuts Flinn used to love.

"Nah, but thanks," Flinn refused.

And then he got a lot of stares and his colleagues went up to touch his face while he had a wry smile about it all--

"It's not surgery?" Carter stretched Flinn's cheeks and Flinn caught his hands because it was painful.

"No, stop that!" Flinn said with a huff-- "Chen near drowned me in those crazy-priced jacuzzis for rich people."

"Flinn, did you know?" Mason asked and when Flinn asked 'know what?'

Mason filled in - "That Ian was an investing genius? Media got their hands on his stuff and my uncle said we're all numbskulls for not using what Ian randomly mentioned at times," adding that he recounted some things Ian had mentioned to his uncle, because he was excited as heck, and uncle said all those had been accurate.

"How would I know when Ian still has no idea either," Flinn said, then smiled-- "He wouldn't be marrying Kenneth if he didn't feel they were both equally dumb at investing."

Mason sighed, gaining a wry smile-- "Sounds like Ian."

"Right, just so you know, you'll all be invited to his wedding," Flinn added and cracked up again. "When they set the date, so-- it isn't like he has changed one bit inside either."

They asked some questions about if he'd met his scary great-grandpa and the like and Flinn said yep and that Michael just seemed like any other grandpa around Ian and that they bonded over cats. "It's the same with all of them, at home and with their kids they are as regular as people get. Find some regular things they like and you can have a normal conversation too. All of them loved hearing stuff about Ian as a kid, Isadora Chardon and Janis now Woodpecker both like to hunt, I joined a conversation with them about that."

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