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The wind was slightly cold, progressing to chilly as the sun decided to hide. The clouds were swirling, playing on the field of their own. The Venus that blinked just before the dawn, stayed a while longer as if it knew he won't be needed soon.

"Arg..." His voice was husky like the morning groan after the rough night. The curtains fluttered the wind inside and brushed against his shell. The indication was enough for him to get up and wrap the thin duvet around his naked body. He marched straight to the bathroom to wash away the soreness.

"Ngn. What's with this headache?" When he sat at the coffee table, he realized how empty the room had become. Though his brother was rarely with him, Wang Yibo made sure to keep his room clean and warm.

"2 years huh?" Wang Yibo mumbled and sipped the coffee as the clock ticked by. He closed his eyes and massaged the bridge of his nose. Yesterday event replayed in his mind. He never thought, he would be talking about his nightmares aloud. And now they had sentenced his brother for 2 years.

"I failed to nullify the contract..." Wang Yibo said absent mindedly. He got up and went to get the first aid box. He searched for pain reliver, for his increasingly banging headache.

If Wang An had not committed suicide, they might have found some more time to look for the contract between Liu Huai Kuan and Zi Teng Huang. But If he hadn't committed suicide, the brothers would also be trapped for a long time.

Defense alone, can't give you victory. To win a battle, one must attack.

Wang Yibo wasn't even aware what was written in the contract and his brother didn't share the details either. Since when did they become so distant?

"Tch." Wang Yibo clicked his tongue when he learnt that he was out of pain killers. He looked at the watch and it was still 10 in the morning. There were 2 hours before the last trial begins.

He went to the sofa and lied on it. He had taken the coffee – he won't be falling asleep again. But he could get rest before it got worst. He pressed his hand against his wrist to measure his heartbeat, and sure enough he was feverish.

The yesterday's confession had a toil on him and he was sure not just him.

"Should I call him?" he wondered. What would Xiao Zhan be feeling right now? He didn't show any particular changes after learning about his identity. Did he really misunderstand?

Or maybe he was waiting for Wang Yibo, to tell him, himself.

Wang Yibo pulled out his ox necklace. There was a time, he used to believe that he couldn't live a single day without Xiao Zhan. But he did. He managed to survive 3 years without him.

Those years were enough of punishment for not being able to protect his love, for killing his own family, for taking the life of an innocent child – for his various crimes.

Without the rain, or left out by the sun, love is a seed that needs only hearts to grow.

At the strike of half past 11, Wang Yibo got up from the couch. Surprisingly he did get a wink, enough to reduce his headache, but it wasn't completely gone. He put on his clothes, took his keys, locked the door and went out for the trial that will be the last dart at their board.

He arrived 10 minutes prior to the trial, most people were already present. Wang Yibo searched for the only owner of his heart and sure enough, he was sitting with his sister and his uncle by his side.

This time around, he didn't have to sit with the defendant's side. He had been proved alibi and he was going to sit in the same lane as Xiao Zhan. His heart felt the excitement and the sparks, like how he used to feel when their love was young.

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