•Chapter 10• [Undead Lullaby]

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[[Y/N POV]]

Man, talk about shit luck. And how the hell did everyone just forgot about Kageyama?! I mean, I did too but that's why there are side characters, they are there to remind me of things and not just stand and look pretty! I mean, some can get away with it... Anywho! I would LOVE to just blast off again, but I am quite comfortable carrying Erza right now. Whatever liquorice dick came up with the idea of making a bridge with no guardrails should have their eyes scratched out. Seriously, the number of times one of us nearly tripped and fell was nothing short of at least a hundred. Lucy also didn't fail to be herself and complained every minute or so, so things were going well I guess... 

[[3rd POV]]

When the group of roughed-up Fairy Tail mages finally made it to Clover it was almost nighttime. Y/N continued internally cursing as they walked through a forest, yes, a goddamn forest because people never thought of building important buildings someplace more accessible. Lucy continued complaining, as per usual, Erza was still leaning on Y/N which the male in question didn't dislike whatsoever, even if Lucy shot him "the look" whenever he and Erza would get too close. Natsu and Gray were bickering with Happy enjoying the show like it was some sort of TV show.

Natsu: "There he is!"

Erza: "Let's not waste time-"

Suddenly, a man that looked like a feminine version of an egg and potato mutation gone wrong appeared before them. He was, as you could've guessed, very round and chubby and had two tiny wings on his back. He shushed them, and Y/N already didn't like this side character one bit.

Y/N: "What kind of grave branch testicle violin creature are you supposed to be?"

Master Bob: "Oh my, don't you have a wild tongue~ Why, I'm Master Bob of Plue Pegasus. What's your name, handsome?"

Y/N: "I'm gonna blow the rape whistle if you come within twenty meters of me, and the name's Y/N L/N."

Turning their attention back to the more important matters rather than looking at a personification of boner remover, they saw Kageyama ready to play Lullaby, but he seemed... hesitant to do so. Before they could even think of moving another man appeared, this one actually didn't hurt to look at, although judging by the spiked collar and spiked witch hat, he was by no means mentally normal.

Y/N: "Eh, I'd give that outfit a 5/10."

Master Gold Mine: "Ah, the newbie from Makarov's guild. The name's Gold Mine, current Master of Quatro Cerberus."

Y/N: "Yeah that's cool bro but everybody's about to fucking die."

Master Bob: "Oh please, just keep watching, handsome~"

Y/N: "Stahp!" 

As Y/N zipped around the place to dodge Master Bob's grabby hands, he sort of forgot he was dragging Erza along, the poor redheaded knight nearly broke her neck when Y/N quickly forced them to dodge the Master of Blue Pegasus. While the rest simply sweatdropped, they quickly looked back towards Master Makarov and Kageyama, only to see the former moving the flute of death away from his mouth before collapsing onto his knees in defeat. Everyone sighed in relief, although Erza was mostly relieved to be free from the moving frenzy. 

Kageyama: "I surrender..."

Y/N: "Well, that was easy."

Erza: "Astounding work, Master! Your speech nearly made me shed tears!"

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