Split Apart (Y/N's POV) (Volume 4 Chapter 17)

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As you all continued the way forward, you eventually arrived at the ruined village of Kuroyuri.

And... to say the state of the village was destroyed was an understatement.

It was beyond any destroyed village you've seen. It was completely dead.

It was a ghost town.

Burnt buildings, destroyed structures, pieces of debris on the road, and not to mention the dried blood splattered on the sides.

It was beyond terrifying, to say the least.

Jaune: Oh, man...

Y/N: Holy... 

You paused for a moment to take in the dilapidated village. Epona silently whinnies alongside you.

Gulping, Ruby walks forward.

Ruby: Come on.

Y/N: R-Right...

You all then continued into the destroyed village, looking around to find any sort of medicine lying about.

Ruby: Any of these places look like a pharmacy?

Jaune: It's... honestly hard to tell.

Y/N: Yeah... it just looks... too dead to distinguish anything.

You looked to your right to find an abandoned bicycle.

Ruby: Ren really didn't want to come here, did he?

Jaune: Uh... didn't seem so.

Y/N: He... really didn't.

Ruby: Do you know... why?

You let out a sigh.

Y/N: I may or may not have a clue or two...

Ruby: Mmm...

You three continue onwards to the village, but nothing interesting came to sight. Eventually, Ruby lets out a sigh.

Ruby: Let's split up. We can cover more ground that way.

Y/N: Sounds good. I'll tell Epona to dock here.

You motion the mare to stay put, and the horse complies by leaning its head.

Y/N: Done. Let's split.

With that, you all split up to find any sort of medicine along the way.

Along the way, you finally took the time to get deep into your thoughts.

Now that you were alone, with nothing to really distract you, you could finally get a grasp of the reality of the situation.

Because... to you, everything was moving at such a rapid pace.

From Amele Stoca, to discovering Shion destroyed, to fighting off a group of bandits and Akashi at your village, to travelling towards Higanbana, to fighting Tyrian at the abandoned village of Oniyuri, and to now...

Where... your friends, the ones that stuck by your side since Beacon, the people you've grown so fondly with, the people that you can call family...

Where... they have lost trust in you.

It felt... so unfair. Oh, so unfair.

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