Them on Halloween 🎃

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-they all meet up at the Curtis house
-they dress into their costumes
-Two is Mickey of course but he put a spin to it
-Drunk Mickey
-Soda is Elvis and lookin fabulous as heck
-Pony is Paul Newman again for the third time in a row and is impersonating him in the mirror
-Steve is wearing an inflatable dinosaur costume and is excited to run around the streets and stores
-Darry is a cowboy and his shirt is halfway unbuttoned and tight because he wants his muscles to show
-Johnny didn't have enough money to buy a costume so he borrowed a dog onesie
-omfg seeing him is a oversized onesie with doggy ears on the hoodie jdkchsnfndnjsc
-Dallas dressed up as a Soc...he seriously looks like a Soc and it's scaring Johnny
-everyone ready and goes out to do whatever
-They go trick or treating first, free candy
-Steve is trying to run in the dinosaur costume, lol just imagining it is making me laugh
-he's racing everyone to the king size candy bars but he can't and trips in the process
-he can't get up
-everyone unintentionally left him there lying on the ground
-little boys run by and start kicking Steve
-he yells at them and tries getting up again but he still can't move
-he sighs and accepts fate
-I feel like Two-Bit wouldn't have a a bucket or a bag with him to trick or treat
-he would just carry a 12 pack with him and drinking two bottles at the same time
-they pumpkin spice flavor :)
-littles kids point and run to him, yelling Mickey Mouse happily
-Two chugs the two bottles and smashes them down hard on the ground
-"FAAACK YEEAAAH! HALLOWEEN!" He slurred and whoops
-the kids start to cry and parents are taking them away from him
-Two gets so drunk that he passes out on the streets
-Pony is hoping for someone to notice his costume
-they knock on a door and it opens
-Pony: "Trick or Treat!"
-Guy: "Oh I love your costume!"
-Pony: "You do?"
-Guy: "Yeah! You're Clint Eastwood!"
-Pony: "I-,"
-Pony just leaves, no candy
-Soda is walking down the street like a freaking model like damn
-He winks at ladies and flashes a grin
-he even talks like Elvis
-All the ladies giggle and squeal
-Next thing he knew, there was a pack of ladies following him
-Darry just chaperones them and just walks
-he doesn't really like candy, pastries are a big yes, but candy is a meh for him and he's a bit too uptight to do these childish things
-poor baby growing too old too fast
-but then he finds a cowgirl
-his heart go boom boom
-she spots him and her heart go boom boom
-woah Darry finds love
-they chat and walk together but Darry leaves the gang un chaperone
-Pony and Johnny we talking and joking so much that they didn't realize they walked too far into Soc territory
-and they were all alone
-they got lost and started to panic
-then, a big group of Socs walked towards them, drunk and too cool to wear a costume
-Johnny was as stiff as a board
-Soc: "What do we have here? A greaser stray and a baby grease dressed as John Wayne."
-Johnny, hissing: "Pony!"
-Pony: "Oh oops."
-the Socs were ready to pounce on them, surrounding Pony and Johnny so that they had nowhere to go
-Suddenly, one of them started to initiate the punch
-only, it went to a Soc
-A Soc was beating up the other Socs single handed without a scratch
-they ran off in fear
-Pony and Johnny looked at the Soc with confusion and shock
-the Soc turned around and flashed that familiar grin
-It was Dally
-Pony and Johnny: "DAL?!"
-Dallas: "Yep, that was pretty cool, wasn't it?"
-Pony: "I thought you were a Soc! Then you turned and POW and bam! That was cool!"
-Dallas: "I knew this costume would come in handy, dressing up as one of em trashy Socs. Hah, gottem."
-Pony: "Hey, Johnny? You oka-,"
-Johnny runs and hugs Dallas
-Dallas chuckled and pat Johnny's back
-everyone goes back home after a couple of hours
-they dump out there candy stash on the floor then start to trade
-Soda: "Got any Skittles for a Hershey?"
-Steve: "Ooh I wanna Hershey!"
-Soda tossed the Hershey into Steve's pile then Steve tossed a skittles pack in Soda's pile
-Steve was able to get candy because he took off the costume and stole all the candy from the boys that were kicking him
-Darry is looking at the number he got from the girl with goo goo eyes
-Johnny fell asleep on the couch with the onesie still on
-Dallas went out to party some more and start more fights
-Pony was sad that nobody got his costume and was shoving Milky Way bars in his mouth
-Steve: "Hey, where's Two?"
-everyone looked around in silence
-then right on time, the door was burst upon
-He lost his pants and a shoe
-he was still drunk and a complete mess
-he passed out on top of Johnny on the couch
-Eventually, everyone gathered around the living room to watch cheesy horror movies until they sleep

ARGH it's 12:00 am and not Halloween anymore. I was supposed to post this a lot earlier but I was hella busy. Anyway, happy Halloween guys :)
I dressed up as a pink lady from Grease then Fei Fei from Over the Moon.

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