thirty six - you've got a friend in me

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minyoung's head was spinning.

now, it was not as if she had expected to get picked, she just didn't plan for if she hadn't. the rest of the team had split up by now, each grabbing their bags and leaving as the coach briefed the three girls.

"hey, you alright?" someone tapped her shoulder, "you're awfully pale."

"i'm fine, just need to head to the washroom real quick."

she grabbed her bag and turned, letting herself out the courts and taking care to close the gate behind her. she walked past the classrooms, wanting to find an empty washroom. her stomach was churning, and it took all her willpower not to throw up as she sped up her pace.

when she finally reached the washroom, she locked herself in the cubicle and squatted next to the toilet bowl. as she leant her pounding head against the cool surface of the wall, her heartbeat gradually returned to her regular pace.

what would yeonjun say? he had devoted so much of his own time to helping her improve, but it still turned out to be for naught. minyoung did not know how to break this news to him, and was afraid that he would be upset.

after splashing some water on her face, she wiped it dry and took a deep breath.

"its fine, it'll be fine. you're stronger than this." she said softly to her reflection in the mirror which stared back at her, eyes having lost their spark.

after she exited the washroom, she felt her phone vibrate with a text from seulgi full of concern. it was right then that her phone vibrated with a call and she swiped to answer it.

"hey." seulgi's voice came from the other end, "where are you?"

"i went to the washroom to freshen up," she answered, "congratulations, by the way."

"thanks," she answered awkwardly, as if she was threading very carefully.

"c'mon, be happier! you deserve every bit of it!" minyoung's voice perked up a little, not wanting her friend to be feeling anything but joy.

"thanks, really!" seulgi replied before dropping her voice again, "are you okay? do you want to talk about it with me? we could have a girls night."

"you go celebrate, we can go out another time." minyoung replied earnestly.

they hung up afterward and minyoung sighed again. her head was no longer spinning, but it was crammed full of thoughts, with the day's events being at the forefront.

"minyoung?" a voice called out to her as she looked up.

"why are you still in school?"

"practice." the boy cringed, "do you want to grab dinner? taehyun's busy and i can't find anyone else to eat with."

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