Chapter 19: The Roosters

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The man looked at me for a few moments, as I had not said a word to respond to what he had just said to me. I stared at him for a few moments, with just a blank look on my face, as I was so tired, it was hard for me to think of anything at the exact moment.
After a bit longer though, I did manage to regain my thoughts and remember what it was that was going on in the first place. It made sense as to what it was that he had just said to me in the first place as well. It was a fair trade off as well, if they were actually willing to help me.
I then nodded to the man after quite a few more seconds. The guy did not seem all that sure still, and I did not blame him. I was not even sure as to what was going on around me right now, I was just so lost as my eyelids were falling down upon my eyes.
I blinked it off, as I could tell the man was getting a bit tired of him just standing there in the first place. I did not blame him for it, as I looked at him to make sure that he was listening to me, just as he had done for me too. Then I began to speak up to the man.
"Yes... I will help you guys... I appreciate the stay here, I am just so tired right now, it is hard for me to think." I said to him. He looked at me for a few more moments, as I could tell that he was a bit more understanding as to where it was that I was coming from now, as he nodded to me.
He sat there for a few more moments, as he then tapped against the wall a couple times with his finger, and he then turned his head around at the same time as well. After a little bit longer he then finally decided to walk out of the room, but not before he stopped and then said one last thing to me.
"Well... I will let you be, you still have a few more hours to get some sleep, but I want you up and ready in the morning, there is a fair amount that needs to be tended to around the farm..." He said to me one last time, as I saw him turn his head back around to me, just to make sure I had heard what he had just said to me at the same time as well.
I sat there a bit lost for a few moments, as I then remembered what it was that was going on once again. I then looked over at him, and then I nodded to him, to let him know for sure that I had heard what it was that he had just said to me in the first place.
He nodded his head back to me, and then he disappeared out of the room that I was in. I closed my eyes, as I tried my best to just fall asleep for the night, as I hoped that it would not be too hard, as to the fact that I was so worn out in the first place.
But I then heard the man walking down the hallway, and each crack of the steps that I heard while he was walking down seemed to wake me up all the more. I groaned to myself, wondering if there was any way that I was going to fall back asleep.
It seemed that I was so scared, that every noise, and every creek that I heard around me, it just seemed to freak me out all the more at the same time as well. What was I so freaked out about in the first place though?
It all came back to me at the same time as well, as I then began to shiver, quite a bit freaked out as I remembered what it was that had woken me up in the first place. It was the dream that I had, and something did not seem right with this house, even though the kid and his parents seemed to be perfectly fine and chill.
I did my best to shake it off, and then just somehow find a way to get myself to fall back asleep. It was just so hard for me though, as I still could not shake off the dreams that I had been having over the last couple of nights. I feared that if I were going to fall back to sleep, that I would just be put right back into one of those dreams.
I closed my eyes once again though, as I was so worn out at the moment, that it did not even matter to me at this point anyways. I began to fall back into a sleep, but then once again I heard noise that popped me up from off of the bed and made me freak out at the same time as well.
I realized that the man had opened the door to one of the rooms, which was in fact his sons room. I heard him speak to him for a few moments, as I calmed myself down at the same time, as I realized that it was in fact, nothing to freak out about at all.
I then fell back down unto my pillow, as I drowned out the man talking to his son from the other room. It was not hard for me to fall asleep now, as they were not talking all that loud in the first place, and even if they were, I was so tired, it was hard for me to try and listen in on what it was that they were saying.
After that, it did not take that long for me to fall into a deep state of sleep. As I did my best to hope that I did not fall back into one of those same dreams that I had just had.

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