Chapter 22: Are You Alright? v2

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I opened my eyes the moment that they had said amen. It seemed like a bit of a strange prayer to me, but I was not sure how other religious families worked, so I was not going to stand up and question them about it. As I saw that they had all opened their eyes as well.
I saw a smile on all of their faces too, as it all seemed normal, and they were all happy. It calmed me doen too, as I was not as tense now that I knew that nothing wrong was going to happen to me now. I sat there for a few moments though, as I looked at the fork and the knife that was beside me.
I stared at it for a few seconds for some odd reason, as it seemed a bit strange to me, I was not sure what it was that was so wrong with it. I looked at it, as I knew that no one seemed to notice me looking an a perfectly normal butter knife with such a weird look on my face either.
I was not sure what it was that was so strange about it to me, as I then blinked my eyes a few times, trying to shake it all off as well. There was nothing that was out of the ordinary about the butter knife. It looked perfectly fine like any other one would look like, I just was not sure what was going on with me.
As I blinked those few times, I then saw that the butter knife was gone, and I thought that maybe I was going crazy, and that there in fact was no butter knife there in the first place. That was until I saw a hand that was pulling something away from my side of the table.
I looked at what it was on the mans hand, and I realized that it was a knife. But it was not some ordinary butter knife now, as I saw that it was somehow shape shifting in front of me at the same moment. I thought that I was going crazy, but it looked so real to me, not like something you would see in a movie.
I then noticed that the knife was in fact growing quite a bit, as it also looked to be getting sharper and sharper as well. I then looked up at the man, as he had a weird sort of smile on his face, and I realized that something was not right at the moment.
I then saw him lift it up in front of his face, and it seemed as though he was pointing at me with it as well. He stared at me for a few more seconds, and I looked around the table, to see if the mans wife, and his child noticed this as well.
I then saw that they were not there, but instead of them being there, there were some dark misty figures in front of me, and they had weird smiles on them as well, just the the husband had. I then saw that they also had horns on their head at the same instance as well, and I realized that they were demons.
I had never seen one in person, and it was a bit scary to me. My father had told me that they looked like normal people, but in school I had heard that they looked evil, and there were paintings of them as well. I closed my eyes, as I knew that this could not be real, surely I was just having another one of those weird visions right?
I then opened them, as I saw that they were still there, and they had even more of a strange grin on their faces. I then gulped, as I tried to move, but I could not do so. I looked down to see what I was stuck on, and I saw that there were in fact chains all around me.
It was weird as well, because I could have sworn that I had just moved a few seconds ago as well. I began to think about it more, and I started to question of this was in fact real, until I heard a strange voice begin to speak up, over all of those thoughts.
I looked over to where it had come from, and I noticed that one of the demons that was beside me of the right side of the table, where the mom had been at a few moments ago, was the one that was speaking to me in particular as well. I suppose I had no choice but to listen, as I looked at the scary little thing.
"You can't hide from us! Be with us! You can have all that you want!" It said to me, in a strange voice, but it was a voice that for some reason seemed a bit tempting to me. I was not sure why though, as normally if I saw a face like that, the only thing that would tempt me was to run.
I was stuck though, and I had to listen to what it was that it felt like it had to say to me as well, as it seemed as though I had no other choice. I looked away from the demon, as I did not want to look at its face for any longer, but all I saw was darkness when I looked away from it.
I then heard the other demon begin to speak to me. At first I just tried to look into the darkness, and try to drown out its voice. Though for some reason, there was just something so tempting, and so soothing about the voice, that it seemed almost as if I had no other choice but to look over to it, and listen to what it was that it had to say to me. I did in fact go through with that as well.
"Just a small price you must make! You can have anything you want, all that you could ever imagine! A simple price to make, you already know what it is I believe... Yes... He will give it all to you!" It said to me. I looked at it for a few moments, as I was not sure if I did in fact understand what it was getting at in the first place.
That was when it all came back to me at the exact same time as well, as all of those thoughts seemed to go away at the exact same time. The memory then began to flood me at the same instance, as I remembered what my father had told me, and it was not the only time that he had said it to me as well.

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