Another peaceful morning

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The bright blazing sun hit my face as I was slowly starting to be aware of my surroundings. The soothing presence of Ahsoka could be felt immediately as she crippled my body closely to hers. The feeling was irreplaceable, her warm breath spread across my face as her lukewarm hands embraced me in a close hug.

I decided to forget about all else and just enjoy myself, it wasn't common for me to be in such a satisfying condition, and with that, I immediately went back to sleep within her pleasant odor. But I could've sworn that there was quite a bit of movement whilst I was still asleep.

I was laying calmly on the bed, until the blinding sun once again hit my face, forcing me to wake up. So, I did. I slowly opened my eyes to reveal that my gorgeous girlfriend wasn't there. I immediately sat up, the tension building inside me. I was about to let the first terrible thought enter my mind when I saw a small sheet of paper laying on where she was supposed to be.

I instinctively lifted it up, hoping that it would contain the content regarding my astonishing Ahsoka, and surely enough, it did.

"Morning sweetoms,

Just in case you were wondering, yes, I'm alright. I've gone to the capital to buy us some supplies, should be back at around midday. Do me a favour and take care of the ship will you dear? I'll give you a treat if you do, but if not, you know the consequences.

Can't wait to see your cute little face again.

Your love,


Boy does she like to embarrass me, but luckily, she wasn't here, because if she was, I'd be blushing a lot more than I was now.

Midday huh? Well it's not that bad, there's only an hour to go. With that thought, I made my way to the refresher where I would do my normal morning routines, except this time, I took a shower since that was something I haven't done for at least 36 hours.

After that, I took my set of clothes to the toilet where I rinsed and washed them, finally getting the stink off of it from all the sweat that was produced when I made my grand escape. I then meditated for 10 minutes before I sensed the calm presence of Ahsoka Tano.

Out of instinct, I rushed to the doors of the ship, opening them, to reveal a sweaty orange togruta stumbling her way towards me, carrying 4 gigantic crates with the force. My first thought was 'did she steal all those?', which made me worry. But I was brought back to reality when she called my name, motioning me to help her with the crates.

Very random and boring, I know. I'm just starting to run out of ideas, so if you guys have any, feel free to fill me in. We're now on our way to 300 views, so thank you for all of your support. 

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